Untitled Part 1

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"I've kind of been curious for a while," Yanfei began, her voice a little tentative, "since that whole thing down in the chasm with the Incredible Compass. I couldn't help but notice – well, we all did, actually, that you and the Conqueror of Demons are pretty... mmm... close."

Lumine froze.

She hadn't really expected that, but maybe she should have, all things considered. The legal advisor was smart and observant at all times - it was sort of necessary when you had the job that she did.

She and Yanfei had ended up working together on a commission she'd been given. There were some legalities that had played into it, and she didn't want to go breaking any laws if she could at all help it. Yanfei's fees were reasonable and the commission rewards quite high, so it was an expense that she felt was worth it. Besides, she had never minded spending time with those she considered friends... unless they wanted to talk about things like this, anyway.

Then it was more nerve-wracking than fun.

She could only be glad that Paimon was with Chef Mao and Xiangling helping around the restaurant for the day, otherwise all of Teyvat would know of her feelings for the beautiful adeptus.

If they didn't already, that was, she couldn't help but think a bit sourly.

She sighed; carefully pulling her knees to her chest, she wrapped her arms around herself, her gaze pensive. She couldn't hide this from everyone forever, apparently – but as long as Xiao himself never found out, she supposed she could deal. After all, it wasn't as though she were all that great at hiding her feelings, obviously, or Yanfei wouldn't be questioning her about the matter.

I hope Xiao stays completely oblivious, though, or I'll never see him again. I barely see him now as it is, and if he found out, he'd avoid me like the plague for the rest of eternity.

"Is it really that obvious?" she asked, flushed and almost miserable in the moment. "I don't want to disrespect, and my emotions are my own, he needn't be troubled with them, you know? But I can't seem to help it, I just... just crave his presence... always. It hurts, but... but if he found out about this I would never see him again - which would do so much more than simply hurt." Her voice had degenerated to a near whisper by the end, but it was loud enough.

Yanfei frowned. "Disrespect? Wha-"

"Please, Yanfei," Lumine broke in before she could get anything else out, her voice pleading but insistent. "Please don't say anything to anyone about this. Please."

"I won't, I promise on my pride as a legal advisor, I won't say anything. But, Lumine, I'm pretty certain that you're wrong about how he would react. I didn't ask you if you were in love with him, if you recall. I stated that you both seemed pretty close to each other. The Conqueror of Demons has never allowed anyone this close to him, from what the other adepti have said. In fact, it was Cloud Retainer that originally noted his behavior to Shenhe, who mentioned it to me. And the way she put it was that – and I quote – he has finally gained a person to protect, rather than a contract to honor. Her conclusion was that it was about time."

"Uh... what?" Lumine barely managed to get even that out; there was so much to parse through in what the other girl had said that was all that got past the surprise.

"From what Cloud Retainer said to Shenhe, Xiao has never, in all his years, offered what amounts to an unbreakable contract to protect any one being – except you. The only thing he's ever done is protect Liyue, according to his contract with Rex Lapis. He said that all you have to do is call his name and he'll come to you, no matter what. No one forced him to do that, Lumine. He gave you that power over himself willingly, and of his own accord. If he's never done that before, and he hasn't, then that means you're special to him. Very special. I'd even venture to say... once in a lifetime special."

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