First chapter - Empty

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She couldn't imagine her days without fixing the broken walls or windows. Unfortunately, it will not happen anymore, because there is no person who could break something and ask for help.

He's left.

Peridot been doing her routine: home – horticulture class – self-flagellation – and home again. Her thoughts were tangled into an indelible tangle. She've been walking through those restored streets. She tried to avoid thoughts about Steven, but she always comes back to them, like: "There he did commercial ad for Lil' Homeschool, and then he left with...damn, he left, stop thinking about him, you clod." – and then continues walking.

Dot felt like she's empty. Of course, she felt like that many times, but now it was harder than ever. Even than when she betrayed Homeworld and when Lapis left with the barn and their meep-morps. Seems it's the same situation, but why this time is harder? Peridot didn't know, but then she realized: Steven was there for her. He supported her and tried to ease her pain by being there, or by leaving her alone if she wanted it. But now he is a reason, why she's depressed. Gems couldn't help her like he could. Well, even if they try, Peri wouldn't listen and talk to them.

Someday, gem woke up with terrible headache, she had it before, it got harder, so she didn't pay attention to that and went to her job. Horticulture class, where she tells other gems about plants, care about them and different ways of plant breeding. Peridot came there and noticed, that she forgot her keys of greenhouse. She decided to cancel lesson for today and moved to the countryside. The farm with cornfield was beautiful, quiet place. There she started her way as horticulturist. Here Peri never felt emptiness in her soul. Never felt like she's abandoned.

Farm was one of the only places where Peridot could not think about Universe, it was less related to him than anything. Of course, Steven was here only few times, so she can get rest before coming back to work.

–Gees, work. My greenhouse. Yeah, maybe I didn't come, but the gems did. – suddenly she realized. – Alright, its okay, its just one day, it won't be critical.

But it wasn't the only day. She didn't go and the day after and the week later. Dot stayed on a field where she lived with Lapis in a barn.

Peridot have been walking there, enjoying the noise of wind, grass and leaves. She was wondered by Earth nature again. She lived like that till her students and friends started to worry about her disappearing.

–Peridot! There you are! – loudly said Bismuth. –Thank goodness you're okay!

Bismuth was very glad to see her. They became really close friends after Ruby and Sapphire's wedding. Bis came closer to Dot that was sitting on a tractor.

–Hey, how are you? – Bis asked puzzled. Peri was silent and just looked at friend with tiredness in her eyes and a cracks on her gem. Bismuth was stunned but then asked, – Are you still depressed over Steven's leaving?

Dot just nods and with rubbing her face said:
–Yeah...I just can't accept that it was too fast. – she realized that it doesn't make sense, but couldn't be silent cause of new habit about speaking of problems. – No, I know, its okay, all people his age moving out to live their live. Its just... We found out about it only a day before his leaving. It's too late...

Bismuth was thinking the same, but she wasn't that related to him, as Peridot was. She reclines to tractor near Dot.

–I needed time to release that he wouldn't be here for a long time. When I got it, it was too late to say goodbye...

–Anyways, it was three months ago, you gotta understand that he's not here anymore. Yes, it's hard, but better accept it than suffer and breaking yourself day by day. Time will heal it, as humans say. – Bis struggled to formulate her speech. She tried to not be rude or accidently devalue Peridot's worry. She sighed and repeated last phrase, like she didn't believe in it neither. – Time will heal it...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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