You come running back home

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A/N: My second Purple Hearts Drabble, this is my take on Cassie and Luke's reunion after his six month prison sentence, enjoy.

Cassie waits at the prison gates with her husband's family, twisting her rings around her fingers.

After six long lonely months, her husband is finally being released from prison. She can't wait to be back in his arms.

She sees a familiar figure walking towards her, a smile overtakes her face, the smile only growing when she hears his voice.



The gate opens and she sees Luke, her husband, her saviour, her hero, her Marine, running out of the prison towards her.

"Luke!" Cassie shouts as her feet propel her into running to her husband, meeting him halfway.

Suddenly she finds herself flying into his arms, being swung around by her strong Marine, his laughter mixing with hers. She's placed back onto her face but before she can speak, his lips are crushed onto hers in a passionate kiss.

The singer and her Marine pull away from one another when air becomes a necessity for both of them.

"Told you I'd run back to you." Luke says as they stare into one another's eyes, their family temporarily forgotten.

Cassie laughs before kissing him again.

Her Marine has come running back to her, and that's all she cares about at this moment.

A/N: Enjoy this, Angels.

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