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"All right, so our target's name is Hernan Reyes." Brian stated as they approached the table that they were using as their mapping station. "And he runs the drug scene down here." Ravenna moved around Brian until she stood at the end of the table, looking over the documents and maps that they already collected before the team arrived. "He's never been busted because he doesn't leave a paper trail." Brian added.

Ravenna put her hands onto the table. "Well, if there's paper trail, that means there's no banks." Ravenna licked her lips for a moment. "And no banks means cash houses." Ravenna said. Santos stood next to her, nodding his head in agreement.

Roman looked her up and down. "Do I wanna know how the hell you know that?"

"I'm from the Dominican Republic, desgraciado." With Roman's limited Spanish, he didn't even know what Ravenna called him, but the ones who knew Dominican Spanish sure knew by the snickers. "We have a large drug cartel down that way. Shippin' in drugs from Colombia. Plus, you overhear things as a waitress." Ravenna shrugged.

"Whatcha you call me?"

Ravenna gave an innocent smile.

"She's right," Brian said. "Ten of 'em to be exact." Brian opened the map up to show the team where all the houses were located. "Spread throughout the city." Brian said.

"And we're gonna hit 'em all." Dom said.

"All of 'em?" Tej questioned.

"All of 'em."

"That sounds crazy." Roman commented, rubbing his hands together. "You bring us to a whole other country so we can rob the dude who runs it? I thought this was business - sounds personal to me." Ravenna looked over at Mia, wondering if this was how Roman acted all the time. "Is that what this is? I got love for y'all, but personal ain't good business. I can't do this, homie." Roman stated before he walked off.

Ravenna shrugged, one less person the better.

"So what we're talkin' about is $100 million." Ravenna's eyes widened and mouth fell open. But what caught her attention was that Dom was purposely emphazing the amount of money, knowing he'd get Roman's attention.

"You say what?" Roman asked, turning back around. "Hundred..." Roman was at a loss for words. Money certainly made people rethink their previous statements. Roman was coming back with the tail between his legs, claiming he was just overthinking.

Dom ignored Roman's words. "That's right, $100 million, and everything we take, we split even." Dom stated.

"That's a little over $11 million apiece." Tej said. "I am down." Tej didn't have to even think once he heard the amount they'd be stealing. It was no question that he was in, along with everyone else, knowing they could do a lot with 11 million.

"I'm in." Santos said.

"Eleven million," Roman breathed. "Sounds like a whole lot of vaginal activity to me." Roman said.

Ravenna drew her lip between her lips. "Dom, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you can't pull off ten heists at the same time." Ravenna said.

Han agreed. "As soon as we hit the first one, they're going to do everything they can to protect the rest." Han stated. Ravenna looked back at Han. He was correct, and it annoyed her.



Sitting on her bike, Ravenna looked across the way to the cash house. It wasn't her first time watching a place like that. Ravenna did a few things on the side to make money, one being keeping an eye on some of the drug traders in her neighborhood. The moment she saw movement, she was supposed to call in and within hours, they were busted. Ravenna liked the gig, it was easy money.

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