Chapter 1

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Deku Pov:

     I was a normal kid. Or, as normal as it gets these days. You see, around 98% (I probably got the number wrong) of the world has an extraordinary power, or quirk, resulting in heroes. My favorite hero is the #1 hero All Might. Anyway, I don't have a quirk. I'm a "quirkless loser" according to my bully, Jack. He uses his quirk, shape-shift, to taunt me. Thankfully, though, Kacchan is always there to help with his explosions.

     One day, on the way home from school, I was walking down the street when a villain (not the sludge villain) pulled me into an alleyway.

     "Hey! Let me go!" I thrashed as the villain covered my mouth to prevent me from yelling any longer.

     "Shhh! You're going to draw attention! Now, come with me peacefully and no one get-"

     He was cut off as he was sent flying across the room. I whip around to thank my savior when I see none other than,

     "All Might!" 

     "Hey kid. Are you alright? He looked like he was gripping you really tightly."

     All Might jogs over to me and you better bet I was melting. I mean, my idol was right here in front of me!

     "Kid?" He waved his hand in front of my face, waiting or me to answer his earlier question.

     "O-oh! I'm fine," I told him, stuttering a little. 

     "Good," All Might said, smiling his signature smile. "Well, I better take this villain to jail where he belongs."

     He grabbed the villain by his collar and was about use his quirk to leave when I ran over and grabbed his leg. He didn't notice me and proceeded to jump away. I started to yell and he looked down at me with a startled expression.

     "Kid! What are you doing?!"

     "I have something I need to ask you," I managed to get out.

     "Okay, let me land."

     All Might landed on a building and allowed me to catch my breath before asking, "What was it you wanted to ask?"

     I shut my eyes and launched into an epic speech about how he was so cool had how I wanted to be just like him.

     "Well, you're really cool and always save everyone with an unwavering smile, and I want to be a hero just like you. So I have one question. Can a quirkless person be a hero too?"

     But when I opened my eyes it wasn't All Might looking at me but a skinny old man.



Hello there! Yes, this story is starting from square one. Don't worry, there will be BkDk in chapter 9. Cross my heart or revoke my right to all Bakugou stories. 

Anyway, hope you guys are enjoying it so far. Sorry the chapters are short. Love you <3

- My Anxiety

BkDk Because That's What I LikeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora