Part one: Prissy Italians and Expensive Perfume.

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Joseph sighed, and threw himself onto his bed, not even bothering to take his shoes off.

"Who does this idiot think he is?! Some sort of.. god?!" He ranted to himself, his eyebrows furrowing into a grimace.

"Oh, Joseph, blah blah, how don't you have a lady, blah blah, you're such a catch, blah, blah, blah." His voice went high, a clear mockery.

"Stupid, stupid Caesar. If he could just get out of my damn head-" he paused.


Before he could further question himself, the subject of his aggravated ranting walked into the room, not even having the decency to knock, with nothing but a skimpy little towel around his waist.

That.. that manwhore.

Okay, Joseph wasn't blind. The other boy was conventionally attractive. A 6ft hunk of pure muscle, with his luscious and soft blonde hair, and his pink, kissable li-

Joseph's thoughts were rudely interrupted by the said 6ft hunk snapping his fingers in front of his face, cursing at him.

"Joseph. Joseph! Idiota, snap out of it, I'm talking to you, dammit!" The heavy Italian accent felt like treacle in Joseph's tired mind.

"Mhm? What d'you want-" He looked up at the other boy, keeping his eyes above shoulder level.

I mean, he wasn't a pervert, he had limits.

Most of the time.

"I was saying, that Lisa Lisa wanted to speak to you. I don't know what you've fucked up this time, but I want no part of it." Caesar turned away from Joseph, his arms crossed.

Joseph groaned in annoyance, turning around, so his face was pressed into the pillows, muffling his voice.

"Get up, where are your manners? Ignoring our maestra like that!" Caesar started tugging at Joseph's shoulder, trying to roll him over, but he wouldn't budge.

Once Caesar had turned around, however, Joseph rolled around again, and sat on the bed, facing him.

"Oh, whatever. You're the one that will get in trouble, not me. Im getting dressed. Turn around." Caesar dismissed, and, before Joseph could react, he had already dropped his towel onto the ground.

The noise that Joseph proceeded to make could be likened to that of a wounded dog.

He stared, almost in awe, at Caesar.

Wow. He was.. well built.

And, Turns out, he was blonde everywhere.

He blinked slowly, as if he was trying to burn this scene into his memory.

"I- I need the bathroom. Excuse me." Joseph's voice was breaking, and he was being overly polite.

He needed to get out that room. And fast.

He rushed into the bathroom, and locked the door behind him.

He started to panic.

Was he really about to jerk off to the thought of a man he hated?

Before he could process an answer to that, he already had his pants down to his ankles, and his dick in hand.

He slowly started to move his hand up and down, giving it the least amount of pressure possible, in hopes of calming his little.. situation.. down.

Then, the image of Caesar popped into Joseph's mind.

Thoughts of Caesar.

Of Caesar, naked.

His shallow breaths were turning into moans, and the room felt warm. Too warm.

Of Caesar, grabbing him by the shoulders, and sinking him down onto his girthy, perfect dick.

His hand was moving at an unstoppable pace, he was too far gone to even care anymore, his moans and whimpers ringing through the tiny bathroom.

He just needed that sweet, sweet release.

He imagined Caesar roughly pinning him down with a feral look in his eyes, whispering into his ear, his breath hot, about the things he wanted to do to him.

He could almost smell his cologne.

No, he could smell it. From the other side of the door.

That's all it took to push Joseph over the edge, as his cum splurted all across the room, his mind in a daze.

Then, the shame started to sink in.

What. The. Fuck.

Joseph's face was bright red. And his hair was a complete mess.

He quickly washed his hands, and cleaned everything up.

Then, with his head hung low, he speed walked past Caesar, who was now sitting on the bed, painting his nails, and rushed over to Lisa Lisa's office.

What he didn't notice, however, was the smirk that was plastered on Caesars face.

He heard.

{Sunflowers and and Summer nights.}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ