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Roman did his part beautifully, getting the little robot into the evidence room. They were able to find out what type of vault it was. And according to Tej, it was the hardest vault to break into - so that's gonna be fun. Now they had to figure out how the hell they were going to get into the police station. Even with Roman talking the ears off of the employees inside, he said security was tight. They couldn't just waltz right in.

Ravenna sat on top of the table, drinking a bottle of water, as they looked over all the documents that Mia was able to find. Most of them were all about the vault, the ins and outs, but that didn't help them crack it from the outside. "So, assuming you'll breach the safe, how the hell do we get in?" Mia asked the million dollar question.

"Yeah. I've been thinkin' about the way in." Brian said. Brian had been memorizing those blueprints since Mia brought them back. "The wall to the evidence room, that's armed." Ravenna leaned forward slightly, putting her hand onto the table. "So, that's not happening. Then we got this one here," Brian pointed to a different wall where the safe was near. "But there's a guard shack outside, so that's no good." Brian said.

Ravenna inhaled deeply. She was hearing a lot of "no goods" and not enough "we are getting the money."

"But this one, this one shares a wall with the basement bathroom." Brian stated.

"So, what about the money? That's gonna be some heavy shit to move." Roman said as he snacked.

"And you're talkin' about five ton cash weight." Han adde.

"Yeah, but that's the thing about the bathroom. It's got a vent that leads to the parking garage. All we gotta do is pop that vent and then pass the money through to some waiting cars." Brian stated.

"Leo, Santos." Dom called out, gaining their attention. "You're up."

The very next day, Leo and Santos headed off to the police station, making a total mess of the bathroom so they could have uninterrupted time. It was an interesting job, but something the two of them could complete. No one would look twice at two Spanish speaking plumbers. They were the obvious choice for the task, and Ravenna already knew they wouldn't be able to fuck it up like they did in the Dominican Republic.

"Got it!" Mia yelled out, gaining the attention of everyone else in the room.

"Yeah, we're lookin' at four cameras." Brian commented.

Han looked at the screen, shaking his head. "That's some high-end shit. Marker optics. Hundred-degree field-of-view. Ten second oscillation." Han explained as the cameras panned slowly. It was going to be a difficult job to get past those, even the most skilled of driver would have a hard time moving around those corners without being spotted.

"Yeah, that's a narrow window, man." Brian agreed.

Ravenna crossed her arms. "And let me guess, we can't replace the image, right?" She asked.

Tej shook his head. "No, it's hooked into a digital sync. They'd know we were in the system. The best we can do is peek." He explained.

Ravenna knew it was too good to be true.

"We're gonna need some real fast cars to get through this." Roman said.

"Not just fast," Han began. "You got a hard right and a hairpin. We're going to need something agile." Han stated.

"You guys mock up a track. O'Conner." Brian looked behind him to Dom. "Let's go get some cars." Dom said.


Ravenna stood on top of crates, setting up one of the four cameras while Roman did another. Mia and Tej were setting up the computers and the feed from the cameras. Ravenna had Han standing at the bottom of the stacked up crates to make sure she didn't fall off. Ravenna connected the wires together, ripping the black electrical tape with her teeth.

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