If I had a problem...

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When Peter woke up this morning, he immediately knew something was wrong. Usually he'd be able to filter out most of the noise that he'd wake up to. Today, though, everything looked extra saturated and bright, and the old lady walking loudly down the street with those annoying heels clacking three floors down wasn't helping. The strong smell of burnt pancakes filled his room...or wait, was that just him?


He couldn't help the involuntary flinch that came from him. Just when Peter thought he was getting used to the noise. Everything was just so much. Peter didn't move. Did he want to move? Sure the comforter was starting to get concerningly itchy, but did he really want to risk the chance of stepping out of his room and these sensations getting worse. It smelled like the drunkies over the next street were inside his apartment. The different smells whirling around his room made his head spin.

There is no way his enhanced senses were always this bad. And his enhanced metabolism. His brain supplied.


Now his ears were definitely ringing. He could tell Aunt May was getting closer by the foot steps pounding its way towards his room. The vibrations alone were enough to make him jump.

"Come on get up."

The burnt pancake smell was too strong and Aunt May sounded as if she was yelling for him like he is miles away. But he isn't. Bringing his hands up to cover his ears he sees May's clearly distressed face.

He didn't look that bad..did he?

The sun's glint in her glasses shown into his eyes making him turn away. It was hard to tell if not being able to see was better than the way too colored world he observed before.

"Peter?" Aunt May whispered.

Sweat rolling down his cheek. Peter's spider-sense was going off like an alarm. But it gets even worse when he realizes he cant turn it off nor can he move. He is so panicked right now. He thinks nothing of the hand on his shoulder. If he actually registered it he might've thought it was one of those pans on the stove instead. No doubt those pancake were on fire right about now.

Aunt May made no sound leaving the room. She didn't close the door but instead gave Peter some space. It was clear she was only making things worse. Even though she had no idea what was wrong or what she could do to help, phoning Mr. Stark was probably the best course of action.

"Yes, this is Tony Stark."

Of all the times for someone to call, it had to be when he was in one of his coffee induced hyperfixations.

"Mr. Stark! Something's wrong with Peter!"

Now those words alone were enough to put the man into cardiac arrest. Whether he wanted to admit it or not. Not to mention he had a heart condition!

"Well, what is it?"

Tony didn't mean to sound so snappy but something is wrong with Peter and May couldn't tell him fast enough.

After a pause May whispered into the phone.

"I'm not entirely sure but he seemed to have woken up with some sort of delirium. I'm calling you instead of a qualified doctor because it could have something to do with his... modified... mutated-"

"Yeah." He cut of her rambling. He understood what she was trying to say anyway, but he needed to med bay wear there would be people who knew about his condition.

Tony was worried about the kid, so sue him.

"How is he now?"

May looked into the room.

"He looks pained." She replied.

"Okay okay, can you put me on speaker? Better yet facetime."

"Okay, you're on facetime. But I have to turn down the volume so it won't hurt him."

The screen showed the boy in tears. Flushed face and sitting upright in bed.

"Hey kiddo?"

Peter blinks up, but flinches when the bird outside chirps.

"Don't worry kid the doctors from med bay are on their way."

"Is it really that serious?" May can't help but try to hush her words.

"No, but with his spider-ish DNA we'll need someone who can understand what's actually going on."

Peter was anxious until they finally got here. Mr. Stark had been waiting outside so he could give Peter noise canceling earmuffs. Tony made them for himself incase he had another anxiety attack. If this episode happens again Tony might have to make Peter one too.

Oh, who is he kidding he'll, for sure, make the kid one as soon as he gets back.

As soon as he stepped outside Peter was enwrapped in a hug from a worried Tony.

"You alright kid?"

"I'm fine Mr. Stark." He said with the earmuffs now placed comfortably on his ears and Tony's sunglasses to block out the blinding sun. Awareness was coming back to Peter now that his brain could actually process what was happening.

'Now I am.' Peter thought with filial love.

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