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-A 14 year old

-Minecraft pro

-Top of the notch Hacker

-Dream smp fan


- She/her pronouns

Looks (In the rp they don't see her face, no face cam)

-Beautiful red hair half up, half down.

-Green dress with white long sleeve underneath 

-Green eyes

- A thousand, million of Freckles on her




-Terrible memory (Can not remember memories, eg: Childhood, yesterday, other.)



-Always Happy

-Trouble maker

-Isn't able to figure out emotions of hers or others.



-Streamer (Started at the age of 11)

-Older sibling (1 younger brother age: 9 and twins male and female: both 7)

-Being a top of the notch Minecrafter: Great speedrunner, fighter(never could bet techno though) and awesome at getting the tools she needs.

Likes and Dislikes





-Fav Dream smp character: Tommy and Technoblade

-Second fav smp character: Ranboo and Dream

-Thrid fav Dream smp character: Ghostbur 




-Least Favorite character : Fundy and Tubbo ( Because he exiled Tommy)

Things will change later in the story, so keep an eye on this page

Word count: 133 words

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