15. Deadly Betrayal

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Officers from the Supernatural Council crawled over his library like eager little beetles to collect evidence. Rowena's case was reopened with her sister's confession. Kieran didn't mask himself any longer, trying his damndest to help the wizard detectives, who did their best to disregard his existence.

Vampires weren't looked kindly upon in Briarwood, but with his royal blood status and officiation with the Sanguine Council, they had no choice but to let him help out.

Everett couldn't help but grin at the vampire's enthusiasm, watching them collect residue of magical particles in the air. Kieran told the lead detective all about their findings. Including the sinister details about the demoness. He shivered just imagining that hellish fiend, trapped with her for eternity. Unlike Kieran, Everett and Rowena gave them a wide berth to do their job. It wasn't like Everett wanted to steal Kieran's spotlight anyway.

"You really like that vampire fella, don'tcha?" Rowena leered from behind the librarian's desk, floating around him.

"Perhaps." Everett shrugged, biting back a smile.

"I've never seen a vampire show such fear before." Rowena's expression grimmed. "I found you unconscious first, then called out for Kieran. He was desperate to make sure you were still breathing and considered turning you into a vampire to save you. Kept mumbling how it was too soon to lose you."

"Why do you think he likes me so much?" Everett watched the vampire curiously as he followed the detectives like a jittery puppy. They were out of earshot, but he kept his voice low in case those sensitive vampiric ears heard him.

"Love at first sight? Who knows?" Rowena floated upside, then flipped herself around. "His feelings are genuine. Even I can sense that much. But it worries me with how strong he cares for you, how he even made such a blood bond."

"I shouldn't have made that bond with him, should I?" Everett asked softly. "He's just been so kind to me. I trust him. There's no way it could hurt me, right?"

"No, that's not my concern. I believe it's your blood," Rowena replied.

"My blood?" Everett frowned.

"The poison that courses through your veins is like an aphrodisiac to vampires. I can't help but wonder if it's your blood he loves more than you as a person."

Everett folded his arms across his chest. "You could be right, as much as I hate to admit it. However, that doesn't explain my own feelings, does it?"

"Are you just as fond of the vampire?"

"I am. We've got this strange connection, it's hard to explain." Everett bit on his lower lip. "I'm not one who believes in silly love at first sight nonsense, but I think I want to see where this goes. I mean, we're bonded for eternity now."

"You know that would scare the daylights out of most wizards, right?" Rowena asked.

"Absolutely. It's batshit insane. I'm risking a lot by staying with him." Everett smiled as Kieran gave him a little wave, gesturing to the evidence bag in his hand. He waved back, then turned to face Rowena. "But I don't really give a damn."

"Ooh, I see now." Rowena gushed. "Vampires are notorious for being great lovers."

Scarlet seared through his face, making him resemble a fresh tomato. "It's not like that!" Everett exclaimed, casting an apologetic look at the detectives who turned toward him. "Dammit, Rowena. They'll think I've gone mad."

Rowena waved a dismissive hand. "As if that's not true. You're already being courted by a Valorath vampire from a powerful, wealthy family. Many dames in their country will envy you."

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