Elsa .....

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Elsa's pov

"You are a little piece of crap stuck on everyone's shoe" tooth's voice echoed in my head ,while I was looking in the mirror,she said this before spitting on me yesterday like I was nothing.....


I smashed it. again. I smashed another mirror ,might as well use this instead of sneaking in a knife , I cut myself with a piece of Brocken glass I shouldn't but I did it, it was on my thigh tho so no one would notice.so Anna won't notice.
If the popular people weren't abusing me I'd do it to myself ,I looked in the Brocken mirror I was wearing a long blue jumper and white jeans with blue flats . I started picking up little pieces of glass on the floor and wipe a away dried blood on my carpet with a wipe,no use dads ganna freak
"Please let it be anything but the cupboard, not the cupboard again " i whispered to myself .i quickly ran down stairs and grabbed Anna's hand so we could get out the house and from dad thankfully she was waiting for me .Anna is the only reason I'm alive otherwise I'd be dead but I refuse to let go because if I do she'd be left alone in a house with that maniac I can't let that happen
"Thank you Anna , thank you for keeping me alive " I said under my breath however I think she could hear me cause her face softened.

"We're here , why did you make me run all this way" Anna said in a half laughing half out of breath way
I didn't answer I was too absorbed in thought

I'm Trapped inside my personal hell
I'm stuck behind heavens golden gates as well

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