Chapter one

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Warner's my boyfriend. I love Aaron soo so much... But... I've been craving 4 OFC lately... I wear my shoes and then I go out, while departing, I see my lovely boyfriend trying to asphyxiate Adam.

"You go, Warner!! <3", I shout. "I'm headed to OFC, if you don't mind."

Warner looks at me and lets Adam go. While Adam is deprived of air, Warner kindly requests me for some OFC too.. I tell him only if he gives me another dress to wear. Warner looks revolted, but I don't care. Adam asks me for some food too, from the floor.. It gives me... déja vu...

Shatter Me

Falls down from bed and sees Adam on the floor.

Back to Ignite me

Now I know why it's giving me.. déja vu! Despite feeling nonchalant, I still say ok.

"A BIG BUCKET OF OHIO FRIED CHICKEN NUGGETS, PLEASE!", he asks, as if it was some desideratum.. I coincide.

Before I part, Warner runs to me and asks me to wait.

"My love, I am sorry .. I don't have any clothes for you, but I've got some cheese!"

"Oh, dear, no worries! ... You can keep the cheese, you coming here to say goodbye is enough.."


Warner looked despondent.. I am not sure why. It's not like I hurt his feelings.. Though, I hope he feels better soon. He looks so cute when he's happy, my heart breaks when I see him so sad. Instead of going to OFC, I go to Kenji...

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