New Girl

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Stephanie POV

"Stephanie Bianca Anderson if your ass isn't up for school in 2 minutes i'm gonna get the fucking switch!" I heard my mother yell. I rolled out of bed and got in the shower. My mother was so annoying. After my shower I got dressed in my grey 'chic' crop top, grey short shorts, and my Jordans. (outfit in media) I put my shoulder length curly hair in a sloppy bun. I was tired of people making fun of my clothes so I got new ones. Hopefully this makes things better. I brushed my teeth, grabbed my book bag, and went downstairs.
"Finally your ready" my mother said.
"Whatever. Can I please have the keys?" I asked the nicest way I could.
"You know where they are" she replied and continued sweeping. I'm 17 and a senior so I drive to school. I walked in and saw my only friends Karma and Jordan.
"Wassup" I said.
"Hey" Karma replied without even looking up from her book.
"Heyy" Jordan said putting his arm around my waist. He is always trying to flirt with me but he knows I like girls. I remove his arm and laugh. He isnt bad looking but I just dont like guys.
"When did you get new clothes?" Karma asked finally paying attention.
"When did you decide to join the world and take your nose out that damn book?" I asked her laughing.
"Whatever. I didnt know you liked those kinds of clothes..." Karma told me.
"I kinda do I guess. I'm just tired of always being made fun of. Plus people are looking and whispering but not in a bad way like before." I said smiling.
"Well I think you look hot today" Jordan said with a smirk.
"Whatever J." I said laughing. The bell rang and we all went our separate ways for class. I walked into Mr. Healy's class for English. I sat in the middle of the class and saw Jayda, the girl who always made fun of me. She was whispering with her little group of friends before she came and sat next to me.
"Look. The ugly ass nerd has new clothes. Finally sucked enough dicks to buy some new ones? Well I applaud you. You dont look half bad. Now you just got to work on your face." she told me before walking away laughing. I wiped a tear and waited for class to start. Fuck Jayda.
"Okay class we have a new student joining our school today. Her name is Alexandria Lomati."
I saw this sexy ass girl walk in and my gawd she was hot. You could tell she was a stud from the way she dressed and looked.

She walked over and sat next to me. She smiled at me and it made me blush a little. Shit.
"Wassup i'm Alex." she said.
"So I heard" I replied. Oh shit so this is how you flirt. She laughed.
"Whats your name ma?" She asked me.
"Stephanie but my friends call me Steph." I said smiling. Hard. Alex nodded.
"Cool. You from here?" She asked. I hate small talk but she was so damn cute I didn't care.
"Yep. Born and raised." I said trying to be cute.
"Ah okay." she replied.
"And where are you from?" I asked her.
"Well I was born in Compton, California but moved her with my mom when I was about 5." she informed me.
"Cool." I said. "How old are you?" I asked her.
"17. I'll be 18 in a few months." she said. "And what about you?" she asked.
"Same as you." I said with a smirk. The bell rang and I got up to walk out of class when Alex stopped me. She was about to say something when that hoe Jayda walked up.
"Hey Alex. Let me show you around." Jayda pulled her arm and they walked away. She turned her head and smirked at me. Slut.


After school I walked to my car and met up with Jordan to give him a ride home like I do everyday.
"Hey babe" he said.
"I'm not your 'babe'" I told him laughing.
"Not yet your not." He said flirting. I was opening my door when I saw Alex walking up. "NICE ASS!" she said yelling as she walked up to me. I laughed.
"Hey." She said. Ugh she was so hot. I hope she's single.
"Hey." I replied.
"You know you never gave me your number. I kinda wanted that." She said smiling.
"I woulda gave it to you but that hoe Jayda came." I said rolling my eyes.
"She thick as fuck but I like your natural look way better than any ass." She said with a smirk. Jordan rolled his eyes and cleared his throat. I forgot all about him.
"Wow. This was cute but Asher or whatever your name is we gotta go." Jordan said with an attitude. Alex laughed.
"Its Alex" she said to Jordan. "This ya nigga?" She asked me.
"Yes" Jordan said quickly.
"NO" I said correcting him.
"Mhm. Well how about that number then?" she asked. I smiled and blushed.

I wrote my number on her hand.
"Thanks babygirl. I'll call you later." she said. Alex hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. I blushed hella hard and she jogged to her car. I got in mine smiling hard as hell. Jordan clearly was pissed.
"What crawled up your ass and died?" I asked.
"That bitch Alex" He said.
"Slow ya roll okay. You don't know her and she isn't a bitch." I said defending her.
"Whatever. That line calling Jayda thick when she can clearly see you don't like her? Foul." He said shaking his head.
"I don't care." I said clearly caring. I pulled up to his nice ass house and he got out and walked in. Jordan could never understand how good he has it. He says his life isn't all that but he has both parents, a nice ass house, tons of money, expensive clothes, and no one makes fun of him.

I on the other hand live in the projects, have one parent because my dad is in jail, I live paycheck to paycheck, old clothes, and I get made fun of for it. He doesn't understand why I like girls. I don't care and don't have time to explain it to him. Girls are just better. I drove home and went straight up to my room to do my homework. I have to get good grades so I can get the hell up out of here. ATL isn't all that its cracked up to be.


The next day I was at my locker and I felt someone grab my ass. I immediately thought it was Jordan, as I was about to slap the person. A soft hand caught mine and I turned around to see Alex. I smiled. "My bad I thought you were Jordan." I said laughing. She laughed. "What's up with that dude? He like you or some?" Alex questioned. "Yeah, he just can't get over the fact that I don't like dick." I said seriously. "Well that's good." Alex said while biting her lip. "Is that so?" I said. I was smiling so hard, this girl does something to me. Alex got closer and whispered in my ear. "I want you". I bit my lip and the bell rang. Ugh I had to go to class. "Mhmm um I have to go. Bye", I said smiling. I walked away. Lawd jesus this girl does something to me. She seems like the hit it and quit it type but i'm not into that. The only way she can hit it is if were together.

I closed my locker and saw Jayda standing in front of me. Ugh.
"Stop flirting with my girlfriend." she said. I rolled my eyes.
"She isnt your girlfriend because if she was then she wouldnt have asked me for my number and grabbed my ass." I said with a bit of a smirk.
"Ooh sassy. Someone grew a pair. But she only did that to make me jealous because she saw me talking to that lesbian, Camille. Dont flatter yourself. She wouldnt want your used goods anyway." Jayda said walking away laughing. One day I'm gonna hurt that girl. She sucks fucking dicks for money and then claims shes a lesbian. Yeah right bitch.

I walked out of school and decided I was gonna skip the rest of the day. I was scared because I had never done that before but I was tired of Jayda and being in that hell hole. When I got outside I saw Alex with this guy. She handed him something but I couldnt see what exactly and he handed her money. She was selling drugs. After he walked away she looked around and I walked up to her angrily.
"What the hell were you just doing." I asked angrily. She looked like a deer caught in headlights for a minute then shrugged like it was nothing.
"Dont worry bout it." she told me walking away. I grabbed her wrist and made her face me. I was strong for a short girl.
"Dont fuck with me Alex. What the fuck did you just give that guy?" I asked with less anger.
"Just some weed aight? Chill lil mama." She said as if I was the crazy one.
"You sell drugs?" I asked her.
"Is it a problem?" She asked me with that sexy ass smirk she does. Lawd why she always do this to me?
"I guess not." I replied with my head down to hide my blush. Alex started getting closer to me and closer until our lips were almost touching. I could smell her winterfresh gum.
"You sure ma?" She asked lifting my head up with her finger.
"Mhm." I said nodding. You dont even understand how much I wanted to kiss her. She knew it and was messing with me. We were so close but she wouldnt kiss me. She smiled and leaned in and kissed me. Her lips were so soft and plump oh lord. After a second she grabbed by butt making me gasp and she stuck her tongue in my mouth. I kissed back until she bit my lip and broke the kiss. I opened my eyes and smiled at her. She removed her hands from my butt and walked away. Damn I want this girl so bad. She needs to hurry up and ask me out.

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