chapter one

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"Listen sir, I'm not sure what you want me to say-" "If these kids don't start taking responsibility-" "The world is so beautiful and we're destroying-" The sounds of all the conversations around me have been rattling my brain since the day I moved here. I'm not sure why people have to be so annoying, but they are. It's not like they notice me, not like they can actually.

You know... Being invisible isn't all bad. I can do whatever I want, steal, vandalize, commit arson, murder, hell I could probably ruin everything these people have put into place and they would never notice. I don't get in trouble, I don't get caught. Sometimes. That was until yesterday I guess. I was just minding my own business taking some shit from the video shop down the road and this little girl looks up at me. For 10 whole seconds she just stared at me. You can see the problem with that right? I'm invisible. Can't be seen?

*change pov*

Today is such a great day: the sun is shining, birds are chirping, no ones distracting me from me. I feel great, and I'm so so so so so excited. My acceptance letter from NYCU is coming today. I know I'm going to get in I just know it. I've been hyping myself up all fucking year. I mean I took two years just to focus on getting some money and a place to live, but now I can finally go to college.

My parents are helping pay for a little because that's a lot of tuition that I don't really have. I'm grateful really, I am. I just feel a little alienated. They treated me my whole life like I needed to be better stronger smarter. I am ready for this, I know it, I know I can do this without them. I am not a dependent person. Anyone who thinks so can suck it.

*change pov*

I've been on my own for too long. I don't have friends, family, a job. Nothing. I'm feeding off of others like a leach, and all because of her. It's her fault. EVERYTHING IS HER FAULT. When my mother gave birth to me I was not like this. I was real, I was valuable, I was loved. Her family killed my mother. My fathers death a direct result of it. I was barely 5 years old when they told me. I was an orphan.

Over the years it gets easier, granted I'm only 20, however, that's a lot of time. It settles in your brain you know? It doesn't go away, you just learn to accept it. Everyone has to move on eventually. If I was in a bad guy good guy movie I'd be the bad guy. The misunderstood strikingly handsome bad guy. The enemies to lovers bad guy. But I'm not. And I never will be.

Anyways today has importance. My mother and fathers wedding day was 24 years ago today. They always celebrated by going to a shitty restaurant dressed real nice and ordering like half the menu. I can't do that so instead I go into a restaurant and find the prepared meals and steal the ones I want. Yeah yeah other people care about feelings bad guy blah blah blah. I'm homeless and an orphan who's literally invisible. Screw off.

You know I think it's funny, I don't actually remember how I got this way. It happened when I was 10 or 11, people started just walking next to me and behind me and just pushing right by me. They didn't notice I was there. I always felt tired, like my energy was draining. It got worse up until I was 15. That's when I realized I was just invisible. No one could see me, no one could hear me. I thought I was dead honestly. I wasn't because if I was dead I wouldn't be able to grab things and eat and drink and gain nutrition.

The way it works is that I can make whatever I'm touching invisible anything small that is. Food, drinks, jewelry, money, you know? That's how I'm still alive. I've tried the whole call someone and they'll actually hear you thing. It doesn't work, also I have no phone, I also don't know anyone.

I had this one friend when I was little who would play with me and talk to me, and he would always come up to me at school. Oh yeah school by the way. Had to drop out because things started getting weird. Anyways so, he and I basically grew up together, but when I started disappearing... You get the point right. He stopped seeing me too. Just like everyone else. He's gone now.

*change pov*

I've toured the campus so many times and still can't remember where the bathrooms are. My friends and I came to tour yet again just cause we're so excited. We're going to eat in the park after and open our letters. If any of us don't get in we promised to visit them as often as possible but I think we all know only one isn't getting in. And that's Jessica. She's so snobby, always talking shit behind people's backs. And her grades are horrible. If she gets in, I'll shoot myself.

A couple hours later and we've all got full stomachs and our letters in hand. I'm so excited to open it, you don't even understand.

"Alright everyone, one the count of three, one... two..... three" in unison everyone rips open their letters. Jessica is the first to scream "I got in" meanwhile I'm so nervous I cant seem to find where it says if I was accepted. One by one the rest of the girls screamed about making it, it all came down to me and I realized I was being watched. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. When I opened my eyes the sentence was right in front of me.

"I didn't get in" I whispered to the rest of them. Once they realized what I had said they crowded around me, hugging me, comforting me. That's the last thing I wanted right now. "Everyone get off me." I waited a couple seconds but they didn't budge. "NOW!" I screamed and they all slowly backed off. I grabbed my stuff and started walking. I'm not sure where I was headed but it was far away from here.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2023 ⏰

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