Death of bloodmoon?

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When bloodmoon was walking down the stairs to the daycare he stopped and saw sun there, so he put on a fake act and pretended to be moon...


Moon: Hey sun!

Sun: Have you seen a paint bucket?

Moon: Why?

Sun: Because am doing the barrels

Moon: Why would it only be one bucket?

Sun: is, I dont know why it's one bucket. It just is!

Moon: I'll never understand that okay. So aside from the barrels, what are you doing?

Sun: The barrels, thats it! cleaning them, moving them, painting them um... slightly admiring the symmetry i guess

Moon: Can you not be more productive with out time?

Sun: This is literally part of the job description...this is literally part of our programming our job too fix the things and all that in case you forgot!

Moon: I did forget because i have never cared

Sun: i know that much moon. Thats why im doing it

Moon: Oh thats a little snippy out here aint it

Sun: Be honest... a little bit? I havent been in the greatest mind since i lost the bucket wherever it is! because i dont know where it is

Moon: Okay?

Sun: Hmm..Im having bad thoughts recently

Moon: Oh what kind of bad thoughts?

Sun: just ideas to fix our current predicament right now..

Moon: What do you mean with the-

Sun: i mean eclipse is still in bloodmoon i think?

Moon: i doubt that..

Sun: You doubt it?

Moon: there could have been any circumstances with this kill code now... could have given him his own thing

Sun: Okay, okay *sigh* question?

Moon: Uh-huh

Sun: you dont mind to be slightly helpful? Can you go to the supply closet, get me a paint bucket and i'll just do the rest of the work

Moon: No...

Sun: very usual moon

Moon: Hey no problem

Sun: I'll just do it myself

Bloodmoon 1: this dosent seem to be working

Bloodmoon 2: He seems on edge. I say we make it worse, see those barrels lets dirty them up! first

Bloodmoon 1: Hmm.. i like that idea that could be fun.. *throws barrels*

Bloodmoon 2: Oh! that one made a ringing sound, i think we broke one of eclipse's machines!

Bloodmoon 1: It'll Be fine maybe... we should disappear and come around again

Sun: Moon! there is no paint...i- why..

Moon: why what?

Sun: The barrels are on the ground right now. I spent-

Moon: One of them started humming

Sun: None of them hum, you couldnt have fixed it

Moon: No it started humming and then it kind of went

Sun: and it took the other barrels with it?

Moon: Yeah!

Sun: even the ones behind the counter?

Moon: Uh-huh

Sun: Thats not how physics work

Moon: and since when do you determine physics?

Sun: okay really...

Moon: last time i checked you couldnt even express your own emotions

Sun: i think ive been expressing them just fine! the last few days, okay?

Moon: Oh really? How do you think that huh?

Sun: Oh just in general. Oh!? i got to clean these again how did they get this dirty!

Moon: "Oh nooo"

Sun: Oh god how do i get- we need to actually clean up this mess

Moon: Thats a shame aint it?

Sun: Moon why'd you thrrow all of them?

Moon: i dont know

Sun: I know you threw them all!

Moon: I thought maybe you could do something useful

Sun: you're not like this...

Moon: I dont know what you mean?

Sun: No you're really not like this... kill code isint in control, He wouldnt spend time doing that! He would probably just threaten my life and tell me to get out or whatever.... no, no

Moon: and what are you gonna do about it huh?.... Nothing

Sun: you're not-..

Bloodmoon 1: so what if were not? you wont do anything because we both know compared to Moon youre weak...

Bloodmoon 2: Nothing fragmented

Bloodmoon 1: Without aiming your body You're incapable

Bloodmoon 2: What will you do? just stand there not talking?

Bloodmoon 1: Or will you... give up and let us feed!

Bloodmoon 2: Ohh scary!

Bloodmoon 1: "Oh no" a barrel

Sun: Its still is eclipse's

Bloodmoon 2: You wont do it! hes too much of a coward! Look at him shaking

Bloodmoon 1: If eclipse couldnt kill us? what chance do you stand? We beat you once...we can do it again! Let alone were in the body of you're brother

Bloodmoon 2: Coward you are!

Bloodmoon 1: Weakling...

Bloodmoon 2: cant do anything worse-

Sun: *Shoots barrel at the bloodmoon twins*


(Word count: 786)

Bloodmoon returns??? AUKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat