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Many will say that my life has been easy and that I am the one who makes it exaggerated, that nothing happens around me and that I just want attention, but I know that the problem is not me.

I come from a family that in the eyes of others we are decent, that we have our differences but even so, we are like the others, but it is not that simple.

Since I was little it has always being my mother, my sister and I  against the world, because my father abandoned us since we were born, he has never been present in our lives and the truth is that I don't care about it anymore but my mother told us that at the beginning he was with us and that he supported us, but I know that even if it's true, he's never been there to begin with, soo even  if he sends money to us, it doesn't change the fact that he's nothing short of a half-life man and we know he doesn't care about us in the slightest.

And although at first knowing that Your father doesn't love you it's hard, I just don't care anymore, he could die for me and I wouldn't care, and although many have told me that it's wrong to think that way, none of them will ever convince me about otherwise, but coming back To the story, I've never had a place to call home and I think we'll never have.... Why?, Well you'll see since I was little we have been moving from one house to another, we have never been in a fixed place in the same region, so I never bothered to meet other children because  I knew that I would never see them again and my reasoning was that If I got attached it would be harder to let them go, sooo my sister and I never focused on making what others call friends....

To  us it was an alien feeling, one we would never understand or Soo we thought , but one thing we could always count on or rely on was our mother and her side of the family and for that reason most of our lives we have been with them and for that I am grateful to them because if it were not for them, my world would have been darker than it already is , but even so for a while we had a place to live for a period of time I wouldn't consider that place as a true home and I think it will never be, since that's where my mother met my bastard as a father and my father's family also lives there, but we hardly have any contact with them since we know they hate us and our mother, since we are not the only children our father has , we have stepbrothers but we don't talk to them much.... and I don't feel bad about that either, because the only  thing we did was be born, but people are stupid and they will never be able to see beyond From what others say...

I have already visited and seen many parts of my country and although that has been pleasant, it does not take away from the fact that we feel alone and although we have each other, it can become a bit monotonous and boring as just being only us  to entertain ourselves, my sister and I used to organize fights between us to have fun for a while, although when our mother found out about this, the game became one of seeing who could run faster and avoid being caught by our mother and thus avoid her fury, but as since I was little I have been very proud, obstinate and rebellious to authority, the one who usually received the blows of our mother's punishment was me, and to top it off I didn't cry and I just told her to hit me harder to make her angry, it didn't help at all, but thanks to that I became more resistant to blows, now if they hit me I don't feel much anymore because a part of my body got used to that a long time ago that it is more resistant in that aspect, but even though it has its downs, I could say that those times were not so bad because in the end, although our childhood was quite hard, I can say that this taught me to be more independent, mature and intelligent woman because at an early age I could already make more mature decisions than the rest of the kids at school, which was fun because I used to feel more than others, or in a sense with more authority, but since we constantly moved, that respect that I earned disappeared little by little.

But letting that aside I think something is about to change my whole life, I don't know what it is but I have I feeling that we might finally have a place to belong to...

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