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Neil died as soon as Akshara and Abhimanyu gave him their word of taking care of his child. He felt peaceful that he preferred to close his eyes and let the angels take him away. Away from everyone. To a peaceful world where he wouldn't feel unwanted, wouldn't be treated as a trophy like his so called wife, mother of his child once did. 

Abhimanyu felt numb. He felt like he was hit with a Tornado two times in a row taking away everything except him. His brother, the child he helped raised, the friend who always stood with him in every step of life was lying lifeless in front of him. The machines hooked to him flatlined proving his brother was indeed dead leaving him. He shouted and cried in the top of his voice for Neil but all he cold hear was the machines beep sound. He looked around and tried to close and open his eyes if it was all a dream, a nightmare. But no, it was real, as real as a day. His wife was crying catching Neil's hand. Mahima, the emotionless, arrogant Mahima Birla was also crying for Neil and her husband Anand Birla was holding her. His father, Harshvardhan Birla, the man who refused to acknowledge Neil as his son, who came to love Neil as his son off late was also crying for his son's death. Badepapa, Badi Mamma, everyone are crying. Abhimanyu felt a sense of Dejavu, that was the same room where his baby sister Anisha died. Memories haunted back with vengeance. He felt like a failure. He felt suffocated. 

Abhimanyu was snapped out when Akshara caught his hand. He looked at her numbly. She hugged him and cried her heart out. That is when he realized another fact, his babies, his twins were no more. His Akshu had a miscarriage. They lost their babies. Tears were no longer stopping their flow. He hugged her back and cried for the loss. The loss of his 3 children. 

Harshvardhan somehow managed to console Abhimanyu and brought the body, his son's dead body, the thought itself was wrenching his heart. He had come to love Neil as much as he loved Abhimanyu. And the fate snatched him away. 

Manjari was expecting her younger son to come back with Akshara. She had a nagging feeling of something not being right. She shrugged away her thoughts when she heard a vehicle sound at her door. She ran to the door to hug her son and daughter and make sure they were fine. And to scold Akshara a bit for her carelessness towards her and her babies and going to that damn concert. Why can't her daughter take care of herself? She felt an irrational anger bubbling inside.

But Manjari saw an ambulance at her door. Her elder son got down. He looked lifeless. His eyes held grief. She felt the ground beneath her shaking when she saw the hollowness in her elder son's eyes. She was walking towards him when her eyes fell on a group of people carrying a body on stretcher. She looked at her elder son. 

Aarohi fell on her knees as soon as she saw Neil's dead body. That was her husband. The father of her child. Didn't he promise he would come back to her and spend the whole evening with her? Kairav took Aarohi in her arms.

Manjari walked to Neil's body. Her elder son was standing right beside the stretcher. She went to him. Something in her heart was telling it was her son's dead body. But she hoped against the hope that maybe it was not. She felt her knees giving up. Her elder son was quick to catch her. She lifted the sheet with shivering hands swallowing the lump in her throat. Aarohi who was at an arm's distance also hoped against the hope that maybe it was not her husband. Manjari flinched when she saw her younger son's body under the sheet lying lifeless. She moved back crying - Nahi.. nahi nahi. 

Manjari got up shouting - Nahi nahi nahi ho sakta hai yeh. 

Abhimanyu and Mahima were trying their best to calm down Manjari but to no avail. Abhimanyu finally took Manjari into her embrace. His mother cried clutching his shoulders. He had to force himself from not crying. He had to take care of his mother. 

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