Envy + acceptance

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Garfield sat alone in his room, staring blankly at the television screen. He had been feeling empty and alone for weeks, ever since he had lost his best friend, Odie, in a tragic accident. Despite the fact that he was surrounded by his other friends, Nermal, Arlene, and Jon, he still felt like something was missing.

As he flipped through the channels, he stumbled upon a familiar face. Mario, the hero of the Mushroom Kingdom, was on the screen, running and jumping through a colorful world of adventure. Garfield couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as he watched Mario effortlessly navigate through his world, always with a smile on his face.

It wasn't that Garfield was envious of Mario's abilities or his heroic deeds. No, what he envied most was the fact that Mario always had someone by his side. Whether it was his trusty sidekick, Luigi, or Princess Peach, Mario never had to face his challenges alone.

Garfield couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have a partner like that. Someone who would always be there for him, through thick and thin. He had always thought that Odie was that person, but now that he was gone, Garfield felt more alone than ever.

As he continued to watch Mario on the screen, Garfield began to feel a sense of despair wash over him. He would never have a friend like that. He would always be alone, with no one to rely on but himself.

It was then that he heard a knock at the door. Jon's voice called out to him, asking if he wanted to come outside and play. Garfield hesitated for a moment, but then he slowly got up from the couch and made his way outside.

As he stepped out into the sunshine, Garfield realized that he didn't need to be Mario to have a friend like Luigi. He had Jon, Nermal, and Arlene. They may not be able to jump over obstacles or defeat Bowser, but they were always there for him when he needed them.

Garfield smiled as he ran outside to join his friends. Maybe he wasn't alone after all.

AN:mario seemed like a good character to use for this :D

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mario seemed like a good character to use for this :D

Short Garfield angstWhere stories live. Discover now