Chapter 1

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I know you may be thinking "Why am i reading this?" "What is the point?" Well i can answer that for you! You like the photo or the title or something else! Nickname MOONY! anyway TO THE STORY! 

Moon Girl: "Hey Y/N!"


Moon girl: "Y/N did you get your power yet? Cuz i did!"

Y/N: "YES! I finally did. What did you get?"

Moon girl: "A power to CONTROL DAY & NIGHT!"

Y/N: "That's cool I can fly!"

Moon girl: "Nice"

After they talked for a bit the bell rang which meant it was time for class so that is were they went.


Moon girl: "IKR! Why make it boring if we don't even use half of it!!"

Y/N: "YEAH! We are heroes we don't need to learn it!!"

Moon girl x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now