Feminized Workout Buddies

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Will slid his work pants on over his briefs with great effort.

They were getting tight, he knew, and his bottom strained against the khakis. He wasn't sure why either. He had been spending more time than ever working out at the gym, and he wasn't getting the muscle that he had hoped for. Sure, there was some tone, but no muscle. But the gym itself was excellent. He had gotten a three-month free trial, and members were given a free vitamin shake every morning before working out. It was a great deal. Every morning he would grab the shake, down it in a few gulps, and would get to working out. At first, he was doing cardio, bench pressing weights and a variety of back and shoulder exercises. It had felt good to go every morning too.

But the personal trainers there were all quite insistent he was doing the wrong set of workouts. They told him to focus on lunges, squats and the stair climbing machines instead of the treadmill. They knew best, right? So he did it. Day after day. But it just didn't feel right. He seemed to be gaining weight around his thighs and butt, and his chest had begun to hurt. Especially his nipples, although he didn't want to tell anyone.

But that morning, as he worked hard to slide those pants over his expanding ass, he decided to have a talk with the manager.

"Jim, I'm just not sure I'm getting the results I want."

Jim eyed him up and down, a look like a wolf eyeing a deer in a meadow. It made Will nervous. But Jim just smiled.

"Seems good to me, Will."

Will shifted uncomfortably.

"My clothes don't fit right though."

Jim nodded.

"That might happen as your body adjusts to all that working out you do, bro." He rummaged under the counter and pulled out a package. "Here, you can wear these. On the house."

Jim took it home and opened it. His eyes widened at what he saw. A pair of very short shorts and a v neck t-shirt. It also came with what looked like fresh briefs, only they were much smoother. They all had the gym's logo and name on them too. He blushed, realizing how little they would cover.

But the next day he was back in the locker room, and he had put on the new briefs and slid the shorts on. They barely covered the curves of his much larger cheeks, but they were snug and surprisingly comfortable. The shirt went on next, and Will could swear there were two bumps at his chest that were now clearly visible. He had just finished when he saw another regular, Todd, walk into the locker room, sit down, and open a similar package. Will watched in fascination as he undressed and his eyes went straight to the man's ass. It was definitely what people would consider a bubble butt, and Will realized he couldn't take his eyes off of it. By the time Todd was done, Will realized he had gotten hard. He blushed at the realization and looked away, but he was pretty sure Todd had seen him. But neither of them said anything.

It went that way for another month. Working out every day. He could swear his chest got larger and his ass got even bigger, but the clothes stretched to fit them. It wasn't long after that that Jim gave him another package. A perk of being such a regular, Jim had said, as he slid it across the counter. Added support, he added. He winked, and Will blushed. Jim also said that as a prized regular, Will could now get into the gym an hour before they officially opened, which he loved because it would allow him to get back home and get to work faster. Since he worked remotely, that would allow him to finish even earlier in the day, and he liked that.

But when he got home, he saw what looked like a bottle of body wash and what seemed like a sports bra. He blushed, even though he was all alone, but when he slid on the bra, he realized it did offer him a lot of support. But he vowed not to say anything. It was way too embarrassing. He used the body wash that night, and noticed that it seemed to get rid of his body hair. It left him smooth all over, and he realized he liked the feeling.

The next morning he was changing in the locker room when Todd walked in. He seemed to have gotten that package as well. But after they had both stripped down, Jim walked in.

"Don't mind me, just checking the showers for clogs," he said. He walked up to Jim and slapped him hard on his bare ass. "Great workouts man, you really are dedicated."

Will felt the sting and couldn't help but let out a groan. Jim walked over to Todd and did the same thing. Then he walked back into the showers. Todd looked over at Will, rubbing his bottom the whole time.

"Did he have to hit so hard?"

Will blushed. He realized that Todd had not objected to the spank. Just the severity.

"He just wants to encourage us, I think."

But Will sidled up to the full length mirrors and turned around, jutting his large bottom out so he could see. The pink handprint was clearly visible. Then he noticed Todd had walked up next to him, and he bent over too. Another red handprint.

"Look, twins." he said.

Their two bottoms side by side made Will hard again, and he did his best to hide it. But he had to admit that the sight of two sets of full cheeks was exciting him. He reached out and touched Todd's bottom, and rubbed it a little bit. Todd moaned slightly.

Just then Jim re-entered.

"Haha feeling the sting are you boys?" He eyed them both hungrily. "Well there is more of that where it came from if either of you need any motivation."

Then he left, and the two of them looked at each other.

"Did he mean?" Todd asked. Will nodded.

"I think so."

They both giggled.

That night Will looked up spanking porn on his laptop for the first time, and found that he enjoyed it very much.

Each day that week was the same. They would come in, undress, and Jim would give them each a swat on their bare cheeks. Then they would compare in the mirror. It felt wrong, but it also felt so fun, Will knew.

That Friday Will walked into the locker room. But he stopped when he heard something odd. It was like a rhythmic slapping sound. Over and over again. He snuck carefully into the main changing area, and he saw something new. Todd was over Jim's lap, his bare bottom high in the air, as Jim spanked his plump bottom. His hand was large and rough, and Todd looked much smaller in such a vulnerable position.

"You are going to start taking supplements every day in addition to your shake, you understand?" Jim asked sternly as he brought his hand down over and over again on Todd's bottom. "Your health is important to me."

"Yes Jim." Todd said. His bottom was bright red now.

Will must have made too much noise, because Jim looked up and saw him.

"Get over here Will, you're next."

Will felt his heart flutter, and he didn't even think to object. The next thing he knew, Todd was up and he was down across Jim's ample lap, his bottom stinging under the assault. Jim made him promise to take more supplements too, as he slapped away at his butt. Will wiggled and squirmed, his cock hard against Jim's legs. Eventually he and Todd were facing the wall. Jim got up and pushed their bottoms together, to better inspect them, he said. And when he ordered both of them to bend over, they did so without objection. He started to spank them both side by side, and Will and Todd spent the next few minutes groaning as their red bottoms grew even more sore. He scolded them both while he did it though, castigating them for not going all in on their training. Will felt his cock stiffen as Jim called them both naughty boys.

And he did feel naughty. He felt his bottom jiggle as it was spanked, and he could feel his breasts jiggle as he shook too. He noticed Todd's were even bigger than is, and he groaned again, realizing that might be his future too.

What a bright future it was.

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