First day

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Tubbo pov:

I wake up to my mum shaking me "Toby wake up honey" she says softly, "Why? What is it?" I ask "It's your first day of middle school silly" she laughs "oh, okay" I smile "okay breakfast is ready just come down when you're ready" "okay mum please go so i can get dressed" I laugh. Then she walks away.

I get out of bed and head to my wardrobe, and grab a dark green jumper, torn black trousers, white socks, and my sage green converse and put them on. Grabbing headphones, my green backpack, a few joints, and a lighter from the drawer in my nightstand and putting them in my pocket.

"MUM" I yell "what is it Toby?" She asks "I'm ready, and I'm not very hungry. Can i just take it to school?" "Of course" "Alright, I'll be going now"
"Okay honey, don't get in to much trouble" "...I won't mum, Love you bye" I say "I love you too Toby, now go or you'll miss the bus"

I walk to the bus stop, thinking about what i would do when waiting. Accidentally bumping in to someone, falling to the cold ground the joints falling out of my pocket.

"Shit, I'm so sorry" I say getting up "It okay man, but i think you dropped something you didn't want to" they say, I look to where i fell and see my joints "Shit, thank you for telling me" I say as I pick them up.

"Oh yeah uhm, what's your name?" I ask "My names Ranboo" he says "That's a dumb name. Anyways who's the one standing next to you?" I ask, looking at the other kid, he has fluffy blonde hair and bandages everywhere

"and why does he look so fucked up?" "You could just ask me dumbass. My names Tommy, and the reason i look fucked up is because i get in fights a lot." He says "Oh damn" i say.

the bus arrives after a bit. We get on and head to school.

Word count: 341

Short chapter today. Also I'm not gonna be posting a lot im a bit busy sorry. But yeah and this story reminds me of south park.

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