My Hearts

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Quick A/N before this starts, sorry I haven't posted anything on here in like 1-2 years. I've migrated mostly over to AO3 and post over there more often. I'm thinking of moving some of my stories from there over to here but, what do you guys think? Other than that! Let's get started

   The Doctor didn't think or look, he simply did. So when he heard a human he went, grabbed her hand (a distant part of his brain recognized it was a young human female) and pulled her away.

   Later, after he'd invited her to travel with him and she'd (Rose-that was her name) rejected him. It stung just a bit, so he went and traveled without her, but he was compelled to go back-go back, just seconds after he'd left and ask her again.
(Did I mention it travels in time?)

   Their first adventure together hadn't been all that great, he could admit that. Especially with the whole technical kidnapping thing that had happened to Rose. But this next adventure, this one he was determined to make it fine-safe enough that she wouldn't be at risk again.

   And- when he'd seen her walk out in that outfit, his brains had ceased function for a moment. But then something happened-of course something had to happen. Rose was taken again! After the whole ordeal was over he sighed and resolved to take her back to see her mother, just a small break. Nothing too insane.

   Yet somehow, that also turned into a dangerous situation. And the Doctor had firmly decided that Rose Marion Tyler was a trouble magnet, jeopardy friendly, even more so than him!

   So, time went on-and then they were at the game station and Rose had become Bad Wolf and she was-


   That was the only way to describe her, her hair floating slightly-her eyes and skin and hair had a luminous look. It was like looking at the sun-or maybe a goddess would be more accurate? Something-someone, so beautiful that you knew just being near would have you burned and yet the craving-the pure desire to be near it, was overwhelming. 

   And then he was changing and he was reborn.

   He hadn't wanted to regenerate, didn't want to confuse Rose (his Rose, his precious Rose), he knew he should've explained it earlier but- he hadn't expected he'd gain a new body so soon after this one had been created.

   It took longer than he'd liked for Rose to get used to this new body, but that was fine. It was completely ok. Just as long as she'd look at him again, the same way she had. (He thought back to just after he'd regenerated, Rose had whispered in his ear-interrupted the healing coma. Then he'd came back fully.)

   It seemed like he was a coward in this body though, at least when it came to Rose. Rose, who promised him forever and meant to keep that promise. He was in love, but he distanced himself. Didn't want to fall too deeply so that it wouldn't hurt as much when she was inevitably gone.

   Apparently he was also and idiot in this body, he'd lost Rose. Seen her fall and hadn't been able to do anything about it! Now he had someone new on board, a young woman named Martha Jones. He could tell though, that while she did enjoy the adventure, she fancied him. Despite him saying that nothing romantic would ever come of their relationship.

   Martha left. Its fine though, he knew it would happen eventually, just not with the death of the Master. The Master who somehow knew about Rose, and oh- his heart ached thinking about his precious girl that was now torn from him.

    Donna came on, she was good-refreshing. Someone who enjoyed the adventure and had a healthy amount of fear. Not much though, goodness no. She helped dull down the pain from Rose. Donna quickly became his best mate, a friend he could trust, someone like a sister to him.

Rose. Regenerating. Hand. Meta-crisis. Donna. Gone.

   It was a bad idea going to see Rose before the regeneration but he didn't care. So long as he got to see her face one more time, that was all that mattered. Now he was traveling with the Ponds! ('Williams,' Rory kept reminding him.)

   Sometimes, when he was adventuring with the Ponds he'd catch wind of something or see something that reminds him of her. (He doesn't dare speak her name, or even think it. Doing so would be too painful. For he thinks his hearts would shatter, for she stole them.)

   He was dying, he called out for the emergency program, which took his form. He didn't like it-and begged it to change. And there was she, even after millennia without her, without seeing her face, it was still burned into his memory. One thing, one person who would never leave it.


   And then there was Clara, a mystery. Something to distract himself from the recent loss of his Ponds'. But sometimes she reminded him of her. He knew it wasn't fair but it simply was.

   Then he was granted a new set of regeneration cycles, and had a new body.

   Regenerative amnesia. It was something that he'd managed to avoid for quite a while, but the first regeneration was always a bit more tricky. But he'd been in the 1800's. (Was it the 1860's? He wasn't quite sure.)

   Clara had a new boyfriend. The P.E teacher ('Maths,' Clara scolded, 'He's the Maths teacher.'). He wasn't particularly fond of him, although to be fair, it seemed as though this body wasn't fond of many things and people. (She was invading his headspace now. Echoes of a time spent with her spread across the ship. Her room was still there, by some miracle.)

   His time with Clara was fuzzy in his head, he couldn't quite recall what she looked like or sounded like. But he has a duty now, guard the vault, guard Missy. (When Nardole isn't nearby he'll sit and talk with her, but she enjoys tormenting him-and begins to bring up her. He wears earplugs whenever he's alone with her now.)

   Somehow he's taken on a new companion, Bill Potts. She's good. Makes life a little brighter and helps distract him when he needs to be. He makes the decision to keep her safe. (He fails)

   He's on a battlefield, regenerating once more. No idea of who he'll become, but knows who he wants to be.


   New body, new her. And that is really new! She's a she now. But, when she finally looks into a mirror she stops. Because she looks so similar to her.

   She deals with it though, but for a moment her carefully built façade nearly crumbles when Jack says her name. Logically the Doctor knows that it was inevitable. She and Jack had been close, she'd been the one to rescue him.

   Time went on, she had companions, they left, some stayed, and that was fine. (Forever Doctor. A promise that rings through her head every now and again.)

   And she's regenerating again, she doesn't want to.

   When he realizes that he's had this body before and which one it is he nearly cries. This body had been with her. This is the last body that saw her. (The name of the woman who stole the Doctors' hearts' is something they don't like to reminisce about.)

But, for the first time in billions of years, the Doctor says her name aloud,
"Rose Marion Tyler."

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