How embarrassing

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Once again Stanley and the Narrator are left by themselves as the so called "story" has once again been restarted. Stanley is drained and exhausted and slumped down his chair with heavy eyes.

"Ugh.." Stanley groaned as he holds his head in the bridge of his nose "I think I'll call it a night here narrator..." he said defeated

"Well I suppose we should take a break. We did do a lot today." The ominous voice said "although it is strange that your so exhausted." The narrator simply said

Stanley was confused at this "what do you mean strange?" He said exhaustedly

"Hm... well your not supposed to be exhausted. If you were I would say you were." The narrator said matter of factly "though I suppose many strange things have been happening lately..."

Stanley was tired by this. All the narrator did was talk. He is just a voice after all. And although he is nice to have he simply wasn't feeling it a this moment.

Stanley waved off the narrator "listen I don't really care right now... let's just take a break..." stanley said with his eye lids falling heavy

The narrator scoffed at this mostly beacuse stanley waved him off. Although he shouldn't be too surprised at this. Stanley was just wild card. "Well ok Stanley I'll leave you be. Good night" he simply said

"Night..." stanley fell asleep instantly in his little office chair snoring ever so lightly showing his exhaustion was very much real.

The narrator looked at Stanley for a moment and some what smiled. But left not wanting to intrude Stanley's sleep any longer.

Strangely enough outside was starting get dark. This must be beacuse Stanley's asleep. "Strange.... Very strange indeed." The narrator took note. "Even though I'm not saying anything to control the story. The story is still changing..." the narrator seemed a bit worried about this. Ever since Stanley started having his own decisions things have been going... well strange.

But then he thought he must've put this automatically whenever Stanley would fall asleep or get tired. "Yes that must be it" he thought. He would have to remember to speak to Stanley about this when he wakes up.

As the narrator was minding his own business, in the middle of the night Stanley started to feel uncomfortable. He groaned in his sleep moving a bit uncomfortably untill he woke up half dead.

"Ugh.." he mumbled. "What the hell..." he groaned. He seemed to have an unpleasant dream. He wheeled his chair closer to his desk so he could lay his head on. He moved around a bit to get comfortable once again and fell asleep.

The morning came and Stanley woke up uncomfortable. "Hmm..." he hummed. Stanley slept perfectly fine. As a matter of fact it was the best sleep he ever taken. But something was bugging him. And he couldn't tell what it was.

Stanley yawned loudly and stood up holding his head with his hands on the office desk still adjusting being asleep. But Stanley felt a tug in his pants. He felt something he never felt before. He felt weirdly vulnerable. A sensation he hadn't felt before. Suddenly everything he did or touched felt overwhelming. His breathing hitched and he laid back in his chair confused and scared.

"What the hell..! Why do I feel like this..." he said looking at his hand "is this what you feel when you wake up??" He groaned in uncomfortably.

Still laid back in his chair he moved his head down to find a bulge in his pants. He took a deep breath realizing what this was. "Damnit..." he whispered loudly. "Why is this happening now?? I've never felt this way before..." Stanley said confused

Suddenly he felt a presence near him.

"Alright Stanley! Time to wake up!" The narrator said uncomfortably enthusiastic "it's morning and I'm sure you slept very well."

Narrator x Stanley (the Stanley parable) one shotWhere stories live. Discover now