Classroom Conduct

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"Kaveh, how can I help you?"

The words come out exasperatedly, and Kaveh can only smile wider at the way Alhaitham stares at him so cautiously. He has them narrowed, half-hidden behind the frame of his glasses, and Kaveh can't even tell the intention behind them. Apprehension? Unease? Maybe even want. He swallows as he allows himself to hope.

Alhaitham shifts in his seat, laying one foot on his opposite knee and leaning back to watch Kaveh. He has one hand still on the desk, pen between his fingers, and he's tapping his fingers rhythmically across the wood. The other hand props his head up, and he's still staring at him like he can't decide whether to reprimand or consume Kaveh whole.

Kaveh glances behind him quickly, eyes scanning over the empty classroom just to make sure everyone had really walked out of the door for the day. He flashes a smile back at Alhaitham when he's satisfied. "Oh," he says, taking another step forward. He places his hand on the desk next to Alhaitham's, leaning in close. Too close to be considered platonic by any means. "I'm sure you know what I want."

Alhaitham sighs, slow and uneasy. He shifts his office chair back toward the desk, forcing Kaveh to take a step backward in order to not be knocked out of the way. Alhaitham picks up a stack of papers from the desk, knocking them against the wood so they'll sit even, and then places them back down.

He glances back toward Kaveh, still regarding him like a cat would a mouse. "There's a staff meeting in an hour."

The edges of Kaveh's lips twitch with annoyance. Staff meeting. How dare something like that stand in his way. He places his hands on his hips, leaning to one side like it somehow might make him more appetizing. "Can't you skip it?"

"And if someone comes looking for me?" Alhaitham's expression is unchanging. It makes Kaveh want to press more and dig deeper. He knows it's only a matter of pushing at his professor's walls until he comes undone. "I won't allow myself to be caught with you."

Kaveh sighs. It's long and drawn out and full of annoyance bubbling under his skin. He wants to be touched. "Look, we have an hour then. Just make it quick—"

"I said no." Alhaitham isn't even looking at him anymore. He's going over the first paper, making marks here and there.

Kaveh makes a sound halfway between a whine and a groan. Alhaitham momentarily sends a glare his way, but it's enough to send a thought through Kaveh's skull. "Fine," he agrees. "Then at least let me study here until then."

There isn't a response, so Kaveh takes it as a compromise. He swings his backpack onto the desk and unzips it, taking out a few papers he's barely started on. One is supposed to be a blueprint, he believes? He isn't completely sure. The other was trigonometry and Archons, he isn't looking forward to that one.

Kaveh places both on the desk and lowers his backpack to the floor, leaning it up against Alhaitham's cabinets. He offers another sweet smile regardless of whether Alhaitham is looking at him or not and claps his hands together, forcing his head to turn anyway. "You know, I'm just so happy to be spending time with you again," he teases. "Especially after last time."

Alhaitham visibly tenses and Kaveh can barely suppress the laughter that springs up in his throat. Last time. He remembers that fondly. He'd spent the entire day fantasizing about all the things he'd wanted his dear professor to do to him and finally got his way when he fucked him over the desk during lunch. He remembers the way he walked around with a plug afterward, it being the only thing holding him together. Good memories.

"Kaveh," Alhaitham says it so very slowly this time. Like he's afraid of the answer. "I won't be touching you today."

Kaveh pouts, crossing his arms over his chest. "Oh, come on. Just let me be a good cocksleeve for you, pretty please?"

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