Chapter One

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 Nezuko Kamado opened her eyes to a much too bright light. Her eyelids felt like lead and the light surrounding her gave her a stabbing migraine. She tried to sit up, much to her body's discomfort, and pain shot through every single nerve that she had. It was almost blinding. Part of her was shocked that her regeneration isn't kicking in to heal anything, but the other part knew that she was human again.

She looked around, trying to figure out where she was, and the room was close to unrecognizable. If not for the numerous filled hospital beds and the tranquil atmosphere, she would never have guessed that she was a patient in the Butterfly Estate at the moment.

The memories of the previous battle flooded her brain, bringing tears to her heavy eyes, and she numbly allowed them to spill.


She looked up and saw a boy her age standing in the doorway. His hair was bright yellow with flaming tips, with the same bug-like eyes she only vaguely remembers seeing. He looked a lot like the flame pillar that had died after the encounter at Mugen Train. The one that she heard said that he accepted her as a member of the demon slayer corps regardless of her demon standing.

"Rengoku-san?" She questioned, knowing that this boy must be related to the former flame pillar. There was no way that he couldn't be. The only difference between the two was their build and attitudes.

"You can just call me Senjurou," the boy said, walking to Nezuko's bedside. "Your brother and I were friends before," he trailed off for a second, looking at the ground. "Before the incident after Muzan was killed."

Nezuko looked at the ground, feeling defeated. Her brother had spent close to three years protecting her and she couldn't even return the favor. She could feel the stinging sensation of tears once again, and no matter how much she willed them not to spill, she couldn't help it. She let them fall, keeping her sobs as quiet as they could be.

The hospital wing was full, and she didn't want to risk waking everyone with her obnoxious crying.

"I'll go get Aoi-san," Senjurou said, offering Nezuko a small nod. "She would want to check on your wounds. Plus, she'll be relieved that you are awake."

With that, Senjurou left the hospital wing, leaving Nezuko alone.

She took this opportunity to assess where she was, and took notice of other patients that were still fast asleep. Right next to her, she took notice of the same messy black hair that introduced her and her brother into this world after theirs fell apart. Giyuu Tomioka.

Next to him was a mop of white hair, messy and tousled. She recognized him as the wind hashira, Sanemi Shinazugawa. Genya's elder brother. She was fairly close to Genya while she was a demon, and at the moment she could assume that he was already fully recovered thanks to the quick regeneration of his ability.

She couldn't see beyond him very well, but she recognized the black and turquoise colored hair of the mist hashira. Muichirou Tokito. She met him at the Swordsmith Village along with her brother, and his smile was so kind after their battle with Uppermoon 4 and 5.

"Nezuko-chan!" She turned toward the doorway and saw a girl a couple years older than her with bright blue eyes and dark hair that was pulled into pigtails, butterfly ornaments at the base of each one. "I am so glad you are awake!"

The girl walked toward the bed that Nezuko was in, tears flooding her eyes. "You've been out for about two days, thank god, but the amount of blood that you lost due to the gash in your shoulder was close to fatal."

Nezuko tried to offer the butterfly girl a smile. "Too bad that I don't have my super fast demon regeneration anymore." She let out a dry chuckle. She wasn't in the mood to joke, but her mother had always told her to find the good in bad situations. And no matter how bad of a situation this was, she wasn't going to let it ruin her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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