"well I don't trust you either"

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"I don't care Henry- I'm not going to be in the same damn room with that wicked, self-centered, prick, Afton." *said Jenny while walking around, raising her voice, in her heels.

*If she sees William, she'll probably kill him*

*He knew Jenny had strong hatred from William but why..?*

"Look Jen, please just go with me, look..I know you don't like him, and sure, he might be slightly possessive but please just try to be..uh nicer to him...?" *Henry said looking at Jenny, then at the floor while biting his fingertips off, and his foot tapping within the wooden floor*

"Are you out of your mind?! He's not slightly possessive. He is possessive. He's manipulative and a trashy, idiotic person to ever FUCKING EXIST." *silence*
*Henry walks out of the house and starts walking over to Afton's house*

                           Henry's POV:

*great. Now it's time to ask William. Ugh..why must Jenny hate William...And why the actual fuck is it snowing..?whatever*

*I walked to aftons house door and knocked three times, I heard footsteps but small ones? Like really silent*

*the door widened open but no one was in view*
                          No one's POV:

"...*silence* yes..mr Henry...?" *Evan whispered so silently...No one can hear him, I mean he does have bad anxiety..*

*Henry looked down and see Evan..*

"Evan..? uh- where's your father..?" *Henry smiled, *no response* and looked up to see William*

*Henry looked at William eyes and sees that he seems to be quite busy.* "William..uhm can I speak to you outside..? Unless if you're like- busy.." *Henry voice drops and it sounds like he's muttering*
*william looks at Evan and leaves the house, shutting the door.*

"Of course Henry, did something happened to your family..? You seem frightened." William asked. When he said frightened...it sort of.. felt sour.*

"Oh- uhm no.. I- like made plans.. but I was going to invite you and someone you probably know.." *fuck fuck fuck..Please don't yell at me either...*

"Hm...really? Then who is this person." *William grabbed Henry's chin while looking him directly in the eyes while putting slight body pressure onto Henry*

*he sounded like he was purring..?*

"uh..uhm..William- look it's my sister okay..! uh you know-" *Henry got cut off*

"Jenny correct? She's quite a angry women. Why must I hang out with such a burden?" William said in a rude manner. It's like he wanted to sound polite but it came out in a rude way.

"uhm..well..yes but she isn't a mad-" *he stopped. He saw some heading towards them. It wasn't his wife. It wasn't Sammy, nor Charlie. It was someone familiar.*

"Well, hello Afton." *it was.. Jenny. Wait how did she know we were here..?*

"hm..hello ms Jenny. I quite remember our last  interaction. When you yelled at me and stormed off." *William said while greeting a hand to Jenny to.. shake it? As a formal greeting.*

"Yes, I clearly remember. You don't have to remind me." *Jenny shake William's hand but looked at Henry.*

"Please stop. Don't start." *Henry knew how they were. They hated each other. They have bad tension when they talk to each other. If he doesn't stop them, it doesn't end pretty.*

"Just look, we are going to hang out and I will force you guys to get along. I don't want to but I have to, so I can peacefully be with both of you and without you both arguing." *Henry made eye contact with both of them while sighing.*

"what..?! I'm not hanging with a douche bag like him. He's literally such a-" *Jenny got interrupted by William*

"Ms Jenny, that's not how you talk to your brother's best friend, nor partner." *William looked at Henry then back at Jenny, smiling cockily.*

"William, what did I tell you about calling me your partner? Some people will get a bad idea."  *Henry persisted, in a nervous quite state.*

"I don't know what idea you're implying. but I really don't care. Ms Jenny. you seem frustrated. Are you alright?" *William put his arm, around Jenny's shoulders.*

*Jenny, who's frustrated with William, looks at Henry, threatening and mouthing that she'll kill William.*

"Jenny, please just, look, I'm done with both of you." *Henry said, while leaving both of them there, confused, wondering why he left.*

*Jenny and William look at each other.*

"I don't trust you Ms Jenny." *william said while fake smiling.*

"Well I don't trust you either." Jenny said in defensively.*

*After saying that, they both parted their ways, Jenny going to her house, and William going back inside to smoke a cigarette.*

The story. (Henry Emily, William Afton, William Afton.)Where stories live. Discover now