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Stare at a wall that's told a thousand tragedies, holding a hand that's loved every part of me

This couldn't be happening. Not to Ignis, not his brother that half raised him. Noctis refused to believe it. Noctis held his hand in both of his and even though it gave him flashbacks of when he was a child after the marileth attack and his father doing the same for him, he didn't care. He needed Ignis to know that he was there and that he wasn't going anywhere, and maybe just maybe if he wished and prayed and focused hard and long enough he could heal like Luna could.

A lady comes and tells me that I've got to leave, right away everybody is the enemy.

Gladio didn't wanna leave Iggy's bedside anymore than the other two did. If anything he felt like the nurses and doctors were being stupid by not letting them stay, but what pulled at his heart more was Noct's stubborn refusal. He always ended up pulling the weakly fighting prince away from Ignis because by force was the only way he was gonna leave, and Noct would level him with this pleading look every time that reminded him of a much younger prince and it made him want to tear the world down if only his charge would stop looking at him like that. At least Prompto left without a fuss.

Deep breaths from the room where i watch you lie, any beat from your heart gets me through the night

Prompto found himself using the breathing exercise that Ignis taught him to stave off his panic attacks. He didn't even know they could be stopped in this way until he had a panic attack at Noct's place and Ignis had been there to talk him through it. Prompto had been freaking out over a broken cup, but Ignis had put his hands on both of his shoulders and did this gentle little squeeze that had grounded him, and he stayed with him throughout the whole thing. Coaching him on breathing. Afterwards he had made Prompto sit down with some water while he cleaned up the broken glass and Prompto couldn't stop apologizing over it. Ignis had been really understanding and had assured Prompto at least twenty times that he wasn't mad and neither was Noct. He didn't know what he would do without him. He watched the heart monitor through the glass and the steady beep and blip on the screen brought him comfort, even though it also deeply saddened him.

you're my love

Prompto had never trusted many other adults until he met Ignis. At first Prompto had been scared of him because of his prim and proper stature and the feeling that he didn't belong had eaten at him. That was until Ignis had started giving him his lunch alongside Noct. In a strange way Prompto felt accepted and honored. That was the first time he could remember feeling any semblance of something like parental love. His parents were never around and never even came around if he was sick or something and how many times had he had to call someone because the electricity was acting up when it got super rainy before fizzing out completely. That all changed after meeting Ignis. Oh Prompto, I noticed the lack of lights, is your electricity not working? You're more than welcome to stay at Noct's until it's fixed.

you're my death

Gladio would gladly die for Ignis just as he would for Noctis. It wasn't just his job, it was a role that he took very seriously. He had defended them both against many a people and would continue to do so until he died. It didn't matter to Gladio if he died for Noctis, Ignis, or even Prompto, he would die for all three and it was no different now. He just wished it were him in the bed instead. Ignis had been in Crownsguard training for awhile now, and he was a huge help to Gladio when it came to Noct's safety. Ignis was even more protective of Noct than he was, and that's saying something. For all he played house for Noct, he was also his biggest protector. Often the first to notice if something was amiss. Gladio had lost count of the amount of times he had shown up to Noct's apartment at Ignis' behest because someone was loitering just a little too long in the hallway. No one would have even known something was awry until it was too late if not for Ignis.

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