An experiment went wrong

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I walked into my friend, Thomas Sanders' apartment and froze, he looked kinda like a total disaster! I thought he looked bad when Virgil ducked out but he looked kinda insane and was muttering to himself. "Thomas, buddy, you good?" I asked, but got no response. I sighed and put on a necklace that was made especially for me so I could see the sides and was met with all the sides having a freak-out and Logan looking very very sheepish, so I walked over to him, crossing my arms. "okay, what did you do?!?!" He looked like a kid caught in a lie. "well, I experimented with a potion that would help us keep control over what we represent but I guess I miscalculated and well, we all kinda, switched what we represent . . ." I groaned and examined everyone's emblem so I could see who was now who. Patton's emblem was now a light blue and white storm cloud okay, Patton is now Anxiety, Virgils was a green and purple sword, he is now Intrusive thoughts, I see Remus is a snake, he is now deciet/lies, speaking of Janus, he is a yellow shield, he is now creativity, and Roman seems to be morality. Logan is the only one unchanged. Okay, okay, no need to panic. If this is anything like that MLP episode Magical Mystery Cure, I just need to find a way to switch them back, In the meantime, I need to help the adjust to their new jobs, so I decided to help those who are going through the biggest change so I walk over to Patton."Hey popstar" I greet softly

"h-hey kiddo." He sounds so scared. I calm him down using the 4-7-8 breathing method.

"Look being anxiety means you just have to look at every outcome of every choice in every scenario." I do some examples and he gets the hang of it. I leave Virgil and Remus alone, they spent a lot of time around each other and seem to have already adjusted, same with Roman. So I just have to take care of Janus. "Hey J~" I greet and he looked at me as if wishing I leave and never return. We have a frenemy relationship. I teach him how to be creative and romantic, and soon he's got enough of a grip on it so Thomas gets out of this disaster state. I order Logan to tell me exactly what he did and I reverse it to reverse the effects of the potion, I give a dose to all and they all pass out, I panic but Logan calms me, telling me this is normal. I see their emblems turn back to normal and calm down. They all slowly come to and Thomas shudders at his state and runs upstairs to change and look presentable. I sigh and sit down, the other sides joining me. "Hey, Y/n? We wanna thank you for sticking by us during this." Virgil says placing a hand on my arm.
"Yeah, that was pretty wacky," Roman says, on my other side.

"No problem, when you deal with a family like you all, it takes a lot to scare you away." I snicker.

"Well, I'm gonna go do a puzzle, Farewell!" Logan sinks out.

"I'm going to go serenade my fabulous self~" Roman leaves

I"m gonna go annoy dee~" Giggles Remus

"Imma gonna play with my pet snake" Fondly states Janus, after casting a glare at Remus.

"I'm gonna go find something that shouldn't be sat on and sit on it." States Virgil.

"I'm gonna go have two cookies, I'm feeling dangerous, wanna come with kiddo?" Patton addresses me, and I shrug, nodding. It's been a stressful 3 hours. I deserve two cookies. Dealing with my family switching basically their entire personality is more dangerous than two cookies with a cold creamy glass of milk. I follow Patton into the kitchen, he gets us the cookies and I fetch us the milk. We sit in the kitchen, eating our sweet treats. I stretch, I had originally come for a movie night, but it was very late, and I was exausted.
"Wanna spend the night here?" Patton asks and I blink blearily, nodding, The guest room was basically my room now because of how often I stayed there, I gathered up my pjs and hopped in a quick shower, using my favorite lilac and lavender body wash. I dry off, put on my clothes, brush my teeth and wash my face, and head back ot the guest room, a cold bottle of water already on the bedside table, no doubt courtesy of Patton. I set my alarm, set out everything I would need, plug in various electronics I use, and pull the covers over me, pulling the teddy I had reserved for there close to me and falling asleep, dreaming and hoping for both me and Thomass sake, anything like this never happens again, EVER.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2023 ⏰

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