Rise From The Bully

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Azrul was tired of being bullied and treated like an outcast in his high school. He had always been a sensitive and kind-hearted person, but his classmates saw that as a weakness and took advantage of it. So, when his dad offered to send him to live with his uncle in a small town in the countryside, Azrul jumped at the chance. He hoped that a change of scenery would help him start fresh and make some real friends.

However, when Azrul arrived in the small town and started attending the local high school, he was met with the same old problems. The kids there bullied him because he was weak and because he came from the city. He felt isolated and hopeless, until one day, he met a girl named Sarah. Sarah was different from the other kids at the school; she was kind, interactive and the bullies never bothered her. Azrul was drawn to her and mustered up the courage to speak with her.

As Azrul got to know Sarah better, he realized that she was more than just a pretty face. She was smart, brave, and always willing to stand up for what was right, even if it meant standing up to the bullies. Azrul was in awe of her strength and he began to develop feelings for her.

However, Azrul's attempts to get closer to Sarah were interrupted when the bullies caught wind of his interest in her. They started to threaten and intimidate him, warning him to stay away from her. Despite the fear, Azrul was determined to be there for Sarah and to protect her from the bullies.

As Azrul's bravery grew, so did his confidence. He started to stand up for himself and others who were being bullied, and his classmates began to see him in a new light. Sarah was impressed by Azrul's courage and she began to see him as more than just a friend.

Azrul was determined to make a good impression on Sarah, the girl he had grown to like. He had spent weeks trying to muster up the courage to speak to her, and finally, the day had arrived. He approached her in the school courtyard during lunch, stammering and nervous, but determined to make a connection with her.

However, his plans were quickly interrupted when the bullies showed up and started to threaten him. They taunted him, calling him names and reminding him of all the times he had been beaten up in the past. Azrul tried to remain calm and keep his focus on Sarah, but the bullies were relentless.

Before he knew what was happening, the bullies had surrounded him, punching and kicking him until he was lying on the ground, bruised and battered. Sarah was nowhere to be seen and Azrul felt more alone than ever. He knew he couldn't keep living like this and he needed to make a change.

That's when Azrul's uncle stepped in. He was worried about Azrul and wanted to help him protect himself. He enrolled Azrul in a Silat class, where he would learn the traditional Malaysian martial art. Azrul was skeptical at first, but as he started to train and learn the techniques, he found that he was getting stronger and more confident.

Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. Azrul became a skilled Silat practitioner, able to defend himself against any attacker.

One day, the bullies targeted Sarah, the girl that Azrul liked. They tried to hurt her, but Azrul was there to save her. He used his Silat training to fight off the bullies, defeating them with ease. Sarah was safe, but she ran away, scared and overwhelmed by what had just happened.

The next day, Sarah showed up at Azrul's door with her father. Her father was grateful for Azrul's bravery and wanted him to be friends with Sarah so that he could protect her from the bullies. Azrul was overjoyed to hear this and he and Sarah quickly became inseparable.

The bullies were punished for their actions and Azrul became known as a hero in the small town. He had used his bravery and determination to overcome the bullies and protect the people he loved. He had gone from being a victim to a warrior, and he knew that he would never let anyone hurt him or his friends again.

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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