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Ravenna sat idly on her bike, waiting for confirmation on Shaw and his team hitting the truck. Tej was the one on the binoculars, watching and giving everyone the cue to go ahead and start the mission. They had to stop Shaw before it was too late, they couldn't let him get the last piece he needed. Ravenna put the earpiece into her ear, making sure it was connected to the line they'd be using.

"Fellas, you better hurry up. They just took the convoy." Tej said into the radio. Ravenna and Han exchanged looks. "And Dom, Letty's with them." A chill went down Ravenna's back. She gulped, taking a deep breath.

"We stick to the plan."

Ravenna looked over at Han, giving him a nod. It was time to get off the bridge and get to the jeep that was leading the convoy away. Ravenna took off first with Han right behind her.

"All right, you heard the man. Let's play this fast and clean. That thing's headin' your way." Tej said as he watched as Ravenna and Han took off to deal with Denlinger. As they drove off the bridge and headed to the exit to get onto the highway, Tej's voice came through the comm. "Uh guys, we gotta come up with another plan. They got a tank." Ravenna had to swerve out of the way of a car she nearly hit. She glanced over to Han before focusing on getting closer to Denlinger. But Han had the same look on his face that Ravenna did.

"I'm sorry, did somebody just say a tank?" Roman asked.

Ravenna couldn't let herself think about the tank being behind them. She had to focus on getting to Denlinger. He was the one calling in, letting Shaw know who was coming towards him. They had to get to him before he found out about Dom, Brian, and Roman heading down the opposite lane. Not that they were looking for the shock factor, but they did want Shaw to be more interested in the tank rather than the three cars that would stop him.

Ravenna and Han weaved through traffic, cutting off cars in the process.

Ravenna leaned forward, speeding up as she left Han in the dust behind her. She was closer to Denlinger than Han was - when it came to stopping Denlinger, one of them had to get to the jeep first then the other would come and help. Ravenna just happened to be the one who was closest.

However, Denlinger saw Ravenna coming at him. She moved around a car as Denlinger did. As he moved around the car, he tried to knock Ravenna off the bike. Ravenna quickly swung her leg over the motorcycle, jumping off. She grabbed a hold of the jeep, hanging off the frame. Ravenna looked to the side, knowing that Han was coming up quickly.

Ravenna needed to get a good grip on the jeep so she could get to her gun. But at the moment, she was struggling to keep hold. Ravenna needed to keep herself upright and away from the traffic in front of her. Denlinger saw a chance that Ravenna noticed. "Oh shit." She hissed, still struggling to get a nice grip on the metal.

Ravenna couldn't exactly reach into the jeep and turn the wheel like she wanted to. It was impossible with the speed that Denlinger was going. Ravenna was going to smack right into the back of the trunk that Denlinger was driving closer to.

Han caught up with Denlinger, standing briefly on his bike. He jumped into the back of the jeep, grabbing the wheel of the jeep to turn it away from the trunk. Ravenna pressed her body up against the jeep just in time for the jeep to turn away from the oncoming truck.

Once Ravenna had a good grip, she reached behind her, removing her gun. She removed the safety, pointing it straight at Denlinger's head. Han looked at Ravenna as she smiled at him. Han realized how much Ravenna and him worked well together.

Ravenna cleared her throat. "We got to Denlinger. Take care of that tank." Her face fell. "Unless you want a bullet through your skull, you'll stop." Ravenna threatened.

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