Meeting the Damsel

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Ana's POV

Hello my name is Anastasia Queen, but I like to go by Ana. I have an older brother by a few years and a younger sister who is 18. A few years ago I thought I lost my brother when the Queen's Gambit sank but he came back to us he is now a vigilante called the Hood that is what the police called him in the beginning he is now called the Arrow, I am the only in the family that knows. John Diggle and Felicity Smoak knows about my brother as well. I have become good friends with Felicity and she is my best friend. A few months ago I from Starling City to Central City for a job at CCPD, that is where I met him, the cutest CSI named Barry Allen. I never told him my full name, he just knows my first name, we never talk much about our personal life until one day he went to Starling City. He was gone for a few days and wouldn't tell me what happened until the day he cam back and he was talking to a girl on the phone.

"Hey Barry welcome home from my home town Starling?" Barry looked at me strangely "Your from Starling?" "Yeah I have family there I just want to move cities because I was bored." "Do you know about the vigilante the one in green shooting arrows?" "The Hood?" I asked dumbly. "Yeah" "I sorta know about him but not much." I take my phone out to text my brother Oliver.

Ana:- Oli did you meet a guy called Barry Allen?

Oli:- Yes I did, him & Felicity was flirting, Mom's out of prison and wants you to come home?

Ana:- I work with him and I have a crush on him, I'll have to talk to my boss to take a few days off.

Oli:- You have a crush on this guy?

Ana:- Yes but he doesn't even notices me.

Oli:- He is a dumb shit for not noticing a beautiful girl like you sis.

Ana:- Yeah, right I'm going to ask my boss for a few days off OK, he is the only one who knows who I am.

Oli:- OK sis message me when you are coming and I  can get Digg to pick you from the station xx

Ana:- OK I'll let you know bro. Also tell Thea she can keep that top she stole from me xx

I put my phone in my pocket.

"Barry I'm just going to ask the chief something." "Okay." Barry sighed softly.

I went to the chief's office and knocked on the door. "Come in!" He shouted through the door. "Hey chief?" "Ana just the girl I wanted to see" "Sure chief" "I heard your mom is home so take a few days off." "How did you know that chief?" "I saw it on the news?" "Thanks chief I was coming to ask you."

I walked out of the office and asked before I left. "When does this leave start?" "Tomorrow Ana & come back next week." "Thanks boss"

I went back to the office and saw Barry knocked out on a shelf. "BARRY!" I ran to him and felt for a pulse but got a electric shock, but I tried to feel for a pulse again and it was faint, so I got my phone out and dialed for an ambulance. "Hello, could I have an ambulance please for my friend, he has a faint pulse, thank you."  I hung up the phone and waited for them to come and Joe came up to see what had happened. "What happened?" "I don't know I have called for an ambulance." "Thank you Ana you get going." "Thanks Joe see you next week."

I took out my phone out and texted my brother.

Ana:- Hey bro I'm off until next week.

Oli:- OK sis when are you coming.

Ana:- I'll come tomorrow after I have been to the hospital to see a friend.

Oli:- OK just message me when you on the train sis.

Ana:- OK love you bro.

I didn't know she was a Queen (Barry Allen & OFC)Where stories live. Discover now