The Beginning

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--Authors note!-- this is pretty much just a test to see how well my story will do on Wattpad. I mostly write on Ao3.

my story is on a HIATUS right now because I haven't had the motivation with this story in particular, it's why after chapter 10 it will stop for a while since that's all I have posted on Ao3.

sorry for the inconvenience! please do enjoy what I have out so far! I will probably post the 10 chapters over time so- we'll see how it goes.


If you told 7 year old Tommy that in one year his father would hand him over to the U.S military and he would be deported from the U.K to become an American child soldier. He would be confused, and maybe a little excited to escape his dad and go on an adventure, even if he didn't quite believe you. If you ever told 10 year old Tommy, that in 4 years he would meet 4 people that would become his closest family. He would think you're just making shit up to deal with the trauma of becoming a child soldier. And if you ever told 15 year old Tommy that in 2 years he would be able to escape the hell hole people call the U.S military, and be able to put his abuser away for good. He would think you're crazy, delusional. But luckily it's all true. He has 4 brothers, was 'honorably' discharged from the military, and managed to put his father in jail for many years. Of course the government was still keeping tabs on him and his brothers, their team was the best of the best. Despite their age. They were considered dangerous. too dangerous, in fact, to be left alone.

Because Tommy was 17, and not yet a legal adult. He had to be put in the foster system. His brothers stayed with him the whole time. With the money they got from the military, they managed to follow him to his foster home, by renting out the house next to it.

The person he was fostered too, adopted him. Not much longer after he showed up. Adding to his family. The man who adopted Tommy, name is Phil Watson. Along with Phil's son, Wilbur Soot Watson.

Adjusting to civilian life while growing up a soldier was not easy. Tommy still isn't adjusted, he refuses to go to school after going for one day. (he was sent to the principles office in the first hour, apparently its considered rude too correct you're teachers, which, bullshit, if they didn't like being corrected, maybe they shouldn't have been wrong then).

Trying to let his guard down has been next to impossible. there have been multiple instances where he had almost hurt Wil or Phil, and luckily, Phil himself was a veteran so he understood and didn't try and send him away, even if he didn't exactly know why he was reacting like that in the first place, not until later.

And there is one thing that Tommy did not anticipate when he 'retired'.


When he was in the military boredom wasn't even a thing. Tommy can't remember one time where he was genuinely bored. Maybe in the small breaks between missions, but even then he had at least one of his brothers to keep him company.

Which leads to now.

Tommy was bored, he was home alone and didn't know what to do. His only options are to watch TV or sharpen his knives, And he's already done the former so much that he's pretty sure his 'Theseus' knife could cut through metal.

He's about to reach for the remote when he hears the front door being unlocked. Well- there goes his boredom. He swiftly got up from the couch and over to the end table. Very quietly he opened the drawer and pulled out his pistol. Don't ask him why he has them, he wouldn't be able to tell you. The only thing he can say is old habits are hard to kill, especially if you're not actively trying to get rid of them. And besides, his brothers still keep their knives and a good amount of guns around their house (not their old guns, sadly their knives and masks were the only thing the government let them keep. Something about government property? He doesn't know, by his logic he was also government property but they let him go so it should be the same for his guns right? wrong) The guns they all currently have they bought 'legally' at least that's what they tell Phil, Wil, and George.

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