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It was about a month after the first semester of her Junior year in high school when he walked into the classroom. He had been suspended since the first week for having a bag full of knives. She noticed that he had another tattoo.

Reign Reid. He was the biggest delinquent in Fernhill and her personal bully. Ever since she transferred last year, he had tormented her relentlessly. Even now, she got shivers up her spine knowing he was back. He passed her desk as he strut confidently to the back and sat right next to her, giving her a devious smirk.

Kenzie Hym hunched over her desk, trying to make herself as small as possible and avoiding Reign's gaze. She could feel his cold blue eyes burning into her back for the entire class. When the bell rang, she was the first one out of the door, desperate to get away from him. She made it to her locker and was quickly putting her bag away when a hand gently hit the locker next to her.

Kenzie ignored him until she had finished shakily putting her things away, then slowly turned around, her back to the locker as Reign caged her against them. He was waiting patiently with a frown. His rough voice was deep and surprisingly quiet, which she knew was a facade.

"So you're not even going to welcome me back, nerd?"

Kenzie cleared her throat and her eyes flitted around nervously, still refusing to meet his piercing gaze. He scoffed and shook his head.

"Not that you talk anyways. Weird ass nerds like you should stay home instead of getting in everyone's way."

Still, she refused to acknowledge his presence. He slammed his fist into the metal next to her, causing her to jump and her eyes snap to his. Big mistake. She was frozen to the spot, lost in the beauty of his strangely pale eyes. It was like a husky's–almost white and hauntingly piercing. There was a darker blue around the edges and his pupils that swirled outward like rivers in the snow.

"There we go. Now, let me walk you home later."

She shook her head slowly, huddling into herself. He clicked his tongue and leaned in way too close.

"Oh, I know you're smart enough to know what I meant. Use that pretty little head of yours. I will be walking you home tonight, got it."

Kenzie tore her gaze from his eyes again and instead studied the new tattoo on his neck. It was a cool dragon design.

"What are you looking at, nerd?"

She reached out slowly to brush her fingers against the tattoo. It was still swollen slightly, but it had healed nicely and the ink was vibrant. She felt him shiver and she pulled her hand away quickly, unsure why she touched him.

"Oh, that? Yeah, I just got it, what do you think?"

He tilted his head slightly and brushed his shoulder-length black hair out of the way. She could tell that it was well-inked by someone who knew what they were doing.

"It didn't really hurt if that's what you're thinking. I was wondering if I need a new one and I was like 'yeah I need a new one'."

The bell rang, signaling the start of the last class of the day. Reign had no intentions of moving so Kenzie tried to slip past him but he put one hand on her shoulder to hold her in place.

"You're not going to class unless I say you can. I'm skipping class, duh. I have no reason to hang around this dump and I'd like some company."

So Kenzie found herself being dragged down the hallways further and further until they got to the barricaded doors of the old west wing. It was abandoned several years ago, left to collect dust. He led her to a broken window that brought them into the dark, eerily quiet hallway.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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