Wrath Of The Cosmos

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Authors note: Hi, my name is Jack, and this is the first time I've ever published anything. I truly loved writing this and hope that you will enjoy reading it. I would also love to hear any feedback or criticism that you have so I can improve my writing in the future, thanks for checking out my story!
long ago, our world, xernos, was a peaceful realm. a place devoid of any war, chaos, or confrontation. there were no major uproars of madness, just minor quibbles amongst the people. we were quite content with our simple, yet relaxing lives. nothing unusual ever happened, at least, that's what we thought. for me and my friends, it was just another day. playing outside without a care in the world. playing a game humans called "cops and robbers". we often played games brought back by our outriders, when they would come back from other planets and world's. but as we had run from eachother, one of my friends, she had seen something quite peculiar. phoebe, poor soul, was the first to see it. there was a meteor, charging for the fields, near where we were playing. phoebe had run off, but we didn't realise. she headed off towards the giant piece of outer-worldly debris hurtling towards us. i heard phoebe scream and i ran towards her, but by the time i got there, it was too late. hearing her scream and seeing what happened, shook me too my core. i could see her corpse from under the boulder, her body was crushed, her face desecrated, but her final words to me, i won't forget. " i guess you caught me." with that she fell motionless. my friends had caught up and we were all distraught, but it affected me the most. those in the field removed us, but i was still in shock for several hours after, even in the chaos. how could i shake that? it had been a half hour or so after the initial impact of the strange mass, there was a series of tremors that could shake the most stable being to it's knees. this should've been the first sign of many . the next few hours were normal, but everyone knew that something was off. soon, screams could be heard from everywhere. we were evacuated first, as the peacekeepers had begun to fight the horrors that escaped the rocky cocoon they arrived in. the first war that xernos had ever seen, broke out, and would forever be known as the first uproar in our history. "take cover!" "save the children!" "get yourselves out of here, take as many as you can!" for many of our soldiers, these were their last words. the last we saw of them, was in the chaos of the first uproar. that was the day we learned the true meaning of fear. when you watch one of your closest friends get crushed by an amorphous bolder right infront of you, that is something you never forget. and slowly, it becomes a resentment for the beasts that caused it. this, is how i began the resistance of xernos. i have rallied many troops after nearly a decade and a half of being away from home. to think it's been that long since the uproar. we will be arriving at xernos any minute now. this, will be the take back of our planet. we will be the saviours of our people. we will do what those cowardly peacekeepers couldn't fathom. "sarah, we're nearly there!" our pilot, vyren, had shouted back to me. "copy that, gear up people!" i commanded. as the leader of the resistance, i will ensure everyone can return home, even at my own expense. quickly we make our descent as we prepare to enter the battlegrounds. a pit had begun to form in my gut, but i must stay strong, for my comrades. i had tried to recruit my friends that were with me in the uproar, but they refused, so i'm going on my own. this is how i get revenge for phoebe. as we land, the back hatch opens, and i waste no time. "alright people, move, move, move!" i hollar to my crew. we have one ship of soldiers at each continent, to make this a swift annihilation of those damned amalgamations from the stars. as we begin to move out, vyren hops on comms to inform the others to begin mobilising. as we head out, we see the vast differences that have occurred since we left. there are cocoons everywhere, and this slimy webbing that just looking at it creates a revolting reaction in my intestines. but as much as i'd like to sit around and sob about what these monsters have done, we simply don't have time. "listen up everyone!" i need to get these people moving, i refuse to just stand here and become "sitting ducks", as humans would phrase it. " jack, you take delta squad and head towards town centre, alex, you and bravo team will take the fields." " where are we going, commander?" said cris, one of the strongest in my battalion.they had decided to join to avenge their mother, and prove to the rest of our people they could be strong. "right, my dea- ahem, cris. you will take foxtrot unit and head for the outskirts of town, working your way towards town centre. "and what about you, commander." i took a deep breath before announcing where my team would be headed. "me, and alpha unit will be headed for the di quarters." you could tell everyone was afraid, i mean, how could you not be. "now, before we move out!" i shouted, with a stoic tone. "if you do not think you're capable of this task, you are free to leave, at any given moment!" to my surprise, nobody left, and so i gave my final command to each and every one of my soldiers before we split. "good, move out!" and just like that everyone had left, to save our homes, and take back what's rightfully ours. we quickly advanced but, something didn't sit quite right. as our advance continued, none of the wretched creatures dared attack us. "scared of us, huh!?" i shouted, in an attempt to provoke them. "commander, what are you doing!?" one of my soldiers had quietly yelled, almost whispering. " if they don't want to come out and fight, i'll give 'em a reason to!" and as my back was turned, one took advantage. "commander!" my soldiers yelled in fear of what might happen. "screech!" i ran towards my comrades and turned to see what was behind me. "what in the name of the stars!?" these beasts, to our dismay, had evolved. this, thing, was an immensely grotesque creature of great destruction. "attack!" i hollered. i couldn't let this thing live, it would be unforgivable. as we charged towards it, i was able to examine it. it was a grotesque display of claws, teeth and tentacles, covered in scaly armour. we had begun our attack, but it was not what we expected. this beast rose onto its hind legs, and swung at us with its horrendous fore legs. after a long battle of bloodshed, we defeated it. we escaped by the skin of our teeth, several injured and one deceased. i checked in with all other units, there was at least one comrade that had been slaughtered within each unit. this wasn't just with those that i arrived with. every continent, all teams suffered the loss of a soldier. we took cover in an abandoned building, and tended to our wounds. "hey" one of my soldiers said weakly. "can you get vyren, i'm going back." "of course" i said without hesitation. i was disappointed, but you can't really blame her. shortly after, vyren came and had gotten her, as well as the body of the fallen soldier. "i'm leaving too!" another had spoken up. vyren had left, and i was left with six soldiers. i started with 23, including myself. now, we are a team of seven. my hope had become quite disparaging, but then i heard one of my remaining comrades say something inspiring. "so what if there's only seven of us, we can still do this." another spoke up. "yeah, he's right, we can still power through."  "i mean, we can't let these monstrosities bring us down." after hearing how sure they were of attaining victory, how could i let them down. "let's get going then!" i demanded, having regained my confidence. we had begun our advance once more. everything was going smoothly. i was hearing good things from the other teams, as well as from the other continents. but that had all changed. "commander, there's too many of the- argh!". we lost three more of us. me and the other three that were still alive brought their bodies back, and i had vyren come retrieve them. "let's find foxtrot unit, and we'll reconvene after a briefing." That was all I could say, I didn't know what else to do. Soon after we found them in a barn, and joined them in the abandoned shelter. "Commander, thank the gods you're here!" Someone in the Foxtrot unit cried. "What is it, what's wrong?" They all went silent, so I walked towards them, only to find the horror that awaited me. Cris, was mauled, and had been carved open. "We did everything we could, ma'am, but.." he trailed off. I fell to my knees, not knowing what to do. "Get Vyren.." that was all I could manage to say, for nearly two hours, I sat there, not saying a word..."Everyone.." I finally mustered the strength to speak. They waited patiently for me to continue. As I rose, I barked out my command. "Let's go on a massacre, and slaughter every last one of these abominations!" A series of cheering had followed my retort, and we prepared for the bloodshed. We had devised a plan, the most effective one we could. We were to go to the fields and connect with Bravo team. But before we head out, I check in with Vyren, to see who's still out there. "Vyren, do you copy?" "I copy, Sarah." "Good, tell me, how are all other units across Xernos progressing?" I could hear his breathing become shaky and begin to hitch. "Vyren, is everything alright?" I questioned, beginning to worry. "All other units aside from Bravo, were lost in combat." I couldn't believe what I had just heard. "Understood." I said, sorrow in my voice. "Let's get moving people!" And just like that, we made haste towards the fields. I had managed to reach Bravo through our comms, but, it was a trap. Apparently, these despicable abnormalities are quite advanced. They mimicked my soldiers, and turned them into play things. As soon as we arrived, I realised I led my troops into a massacre. As we fought, we were picked off one by one, until only my squadron was left. I had to watch while my comrades, no, friends were ripped apart and faced agonizing deaths. I hadn't any other idea then this. "Get out, save yourselves!" Was my last order to them. In that moment I realised that I was just like the peacekeepers. I realised, we never stood a chance. Unfortunately, I realised too late. "There was.. no chance for us..I'm sorry I did this to you all..we never would've defeated.. the wrath.. of..the Cosmos..." The last thing I saw was that beast, then nothing. The death of my soldiers, my friends, and my own death was all in vain. I let everyone down! I couldn't get my revenge, I couldn't avenge Phoebe. If I didn't do this, no one would died. This was a pointless, useless battalion for a fight whose Victor was decided long ago. That was when I learned, we are pitiful beings in the world, nothing more.
                               The end

Word count: 1938
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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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