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It was another weekend where Han was teaching Sean how to drift. It was going super well according to Han and his text messages to Raven. However, Ravenna was only half paying attention to those messages from Han. She was more interested in the pregnancy test that was sitting and waiting for her to take it. No one was around, not even Mila. She was out spending time with Takashi while Han and the others were helping Sean. Ravenna was left alone in the garage for several hours, giving her all the privacy in the world.

The test had been hidden away in her car since she went shopping with her sister. It was something she bought while Mila went to get something to eat. She quickly ran into the pharmacy. She grabbed two, just to make sure. Ravenna wasn't entirely sure if she was or if she was just stressed. Knowing what Han was doing and now knowing that Mila was seeing Takashi, Ravenna didn't know if her period was just late just to fuck with her or if a condom or two broke.

Raven grabbed one of the boxes, opening it up to grab the instructions. She was distracting herself, trying not to think about herself taking a pregnancy. Raven had only ever taken one previously, and it was shortly after Han left - the irony. But it came back negative, which she was happy about. She really didn't want the label of teen mom on her.

Raven read over the instructions - they were pretty straight-forward. It was easy to understand even if you didn't know Japanese like Ravenna did. She followed the directions to a T, making sure she didn't mess it up. Ravenna set the test on top of the box, placing the instructions on top of it so she didn't see the results coming in.

She sat on the toilet, bouncing her leg.

Ravenna looked at Han's text messages about Sean. He was making process, but Han wanted to see him do better. He asked if Ravenna could come out the next time they went out to train him. Ravenna answered, saying she'd come out if it was necessary. Raven was letting Han have his little pet project with Sean. She really didn't want to interrupt a good flow they already had.

Ravenna called Han while she waited for the time to finish. "You seemed annoyed."

"He keeps drifting too soon - Again!" Ravenna laughed at Han's sudden yell to Sean.

"Don't stress yourself out, Han." Raven smiled.

"What are you doin'? You don't normally call me." Han pointed out.

"I was bored, and I figured you'd like to hear my voice while you wait for Sean." Ravenna said, leaning back against the toilet.

Han laughed. "You aren't wrong."

Raven and Han talked for a little while until Han had to abruptly end the call. From what Ravenna could hear, Sean nearly ran straight into something when he came around that corner just a little too quickly. But that was enough time for Ravenna to look at the pregnancy test.

When it came to kids - Han and Ravenna never talked about it. It was something that they'd mention in passing or jokingly like when Twinkie and Mila were going back and forth, tattling on Hab, but outside of that... they hadn't spoke about kids or wanting kids together or wanting kids at all. Ravenna was only twenty-three, she didn't think she'd get pregnant that early in her life.

Ravenna pulled off the instructions and she didn't even have to look too closely. The double plus signs were bright pink on the stick. Raven's hand's instantly went to her stomach. The test didn't tell her how far along she was, or guess-timated it. She just knew she was pregnant.

And she took the second test to make sure. That time, she watched it like a hawk until the two plus signs showed up. Two positive tests were better than one, but at the same time, Ravenna was freaking out inside. Raven didn't know if Han wanted children - and to be honest, Ravenna didn't even know she was able to get pregnant.

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