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This was written up quickly from a little challenge I had with my friend so it's supposed to be a fun quick-read story. Hope you enjoy!

My friends and I have always been the ones to get into trouble, but that's just the way we are. We would hang out in this abandoned building on the outlook of the glowing city. The windows smashed from games we would play and objects we've stolen from dares and jobs given by the occupants that coincided within the city barriers. My name is Akira. I want to say I'm the leader of our group but in actuality, I feel the most distant from the rest. My parents, like all of ours, had died when the new world order took place to technologicalise society into what it is today. To be honest I understand why they wanted to keep it the way it was, there's many cons to this new system, such as the constant district upkeep on every individual with facial recognition and biological tracking, but there's good parts to it too, since the new order society has shifted to biotech where mass production of energy is transmitted from a single source within the government estate, which in result created the neon and sci-fi look of the city and electronics within it. Another pro is that with biotech, a creator has invented a program where you can change your physical appearance. Everyone loved the invention, some more than others. Though the annoying thing about it is that we need to constantly do updates within our system to keep the program working at top quality. In order to do so, we would scan the implant in our left shoulder in the screening system which we have to do anyway to check our current health rates. I didn't change my appearance too much other than the basics which is hair and eyes. Purple always calmed me so I chose that for the iris and a white violet for my hair.
    "Akira!" Caia called from the couch who was accompanied by Ivara.
Caia used a bit more of the biotech than the rest of us, with magnolia colored eyes and blue hair with the newest features of elf ears. Though one thing all of us agreed on was to keep our natural skin tones because we feel the diversity of that is what makes our core unique, she always had the nicest dark tone with the cutest freckles that spread along her cheeks. Ivara on the other hand chose to keep her natural look, besides making her blond hair a bit more fuller and adding glowing constellation freckles.
"We got another job offer." Ivara chimed in, a small grin grew along her face.
"Which is?"
"Well keep in mind that the pay is two thousand neo-coins."
"What?!" I walked over to them and looked at the screen. Two thousand neo-coins is equivalent to one hundred thousand U.S currency before the new order. "It just looks like another theft job."
"Yes, but look here." Caia pointed to the object in which was desired.
"The Biotech core!" Ivara kicked her feet in excitement.
A frown overtook my expression. "No, no way we're doing that! I don't care how much the pay is, we have never done a job that big and dangerous, we'd be risking our lives, not to mention everyone's lives if the Biotech was put into a statistic person's possession!"
"Why don't we just keep it for ourselves then and take the money?" Tove replied as he entered the room, walking towards the group. I furrowed my eyebrows at his reply. Tove was the only guy in our group and yet the most rebellious. He, like Ivara, did very little to his natural look besides adding the new elf ear update. That seems to be popular lately. Though his health scans always seem to be deteriorating causing him to keep his downloads to the minimum and have dead expression on his face from a failing system.
"What do you mean by that?" I responded.
"Well," He leaned down onto the couch, "If we do in fact get the Biotech we can finally have power and not be secluded to the outskirts of the glowing city." Tove looked at Caia, "Don't you feel unnoticed?" He then turned to Ivara, "Unimportant?" Then to me, "Voiceless?"
I clenched my fist.
"If we get Biotech we won't have to deal with that anymore, we will finally be alive, noticed, and important to society. Once we get it, we hand over a counterfeit and get the money."
"What would we do when the government goes after us? We've only taken jobs that guarantee our safety afterwards. If we do this, not only is it criminal but we become a public enemy."
"Akira, everyone has Biotech implanted into their system, we'd just have to create a program where it would release signals to the individual's brain that triggers when they get near us in which it would create the reaction of fear and flight. Not only does Biotech allow us to update our physical systems, but it also responds to other technology such as facial recognition and barrier tech." Tove looked at the group with slight disappointment. "I figured you guys would have known this by now."
"I did." Ivara responded.
"Then one of us would have to create the program while the rest go out to the main center of Biotech and download the information," Caia added in, "We would have to destroy their center that withholds the information so they wouldn't cancel it or track it down. Once we bring the download back to here we could download it into our system and add the program."
"What about our system?" I questioned, "Up to now our crimes have been so minor that the government overlooks us but with this, once they get suspicious our trackers would go off."
"We could cut the program out?" Tove replied.
"What do you mean by 'cut it out?'" Caia asked.
"I mean we cut it out of our system, physically."
"Are you stupid?!" I blurted out. "Why don't we just download an anti-tracker?"
"Don't you understand how many viruses are in those programs?"
"So we're just going to cut it out of our arms?!"
"What about a magnet?" Ivara chimed, "With a magnet it could lodge the electrical currents causing the Biotech to freeze temporarily."
"Has this been tested?" I asked.
"Not that I know of, but it makes sense with the current build of the system."
I frowned in deep thought.
"Would you rather cut it out?" Caia looked plainly at me.
"Fine. Caia goes to find some magnets, and Ivara, start building the program. Tove-" I glanced over to him, "We're going to need some bombs. I'll get the rest ready."

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