𝒊. guess who's back

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ONE  ࿐ྂ

     CARINA LEANS HEAVILY on the shoulder next to her as she sits on the edge of a picnic table. Mindy Meeks-Martin smiles at her before turning to look back at her phone screen. The other is scrolling through her Spotify, and Carina points out a song for her best friend to pick. Quickly, the song fills the earbuds the two are sharing. "Attention, Panthers. A reminder that all classes and school activities are canceled tomorrow due to public safety concerns."

     Yes, we know. She thinks. You've only made the same announcement all day long in between classes.

     "That was Sam."

     At the sound of Wes Hicks' voice, Carina looks up at him. It takes a minute for her to place what Sam he could be talking about, and then is swarmed with a feeling of unease when she does.

     Sam Carpenter, the older sister of Tara Carpenter, one of Carina's best friends. The same girl who was attacked last evening in her own home by someone she claims was wearing a Ghostface mask. Because of fucking course they were wearing a Ghostface mask. What serial killer in Woodsboro doesn't wear one of those things? Not to say that Tara was attacked by a serial killer, but the point still stands.

     It shouldn't be surprising that Sam is returning to Woodsboro after finding out about Tara, when she used to babysit Carina and the others when they were kids, she did everything in her power to make sure they were always safe. Still, Sam left five years ago, and her exit wasn't necessarily graceful.

     Obviously, others remember as well.

     "She's coming?"

     Amber Freeman is a tough girl who takes no shit, and while Carina admires the girl for her strength, her ability to seem less than human sometimes is the main reason the two aren't as close as they could be. It's not Amber's fault she doesn't really show much emotion unless Tara is involved, but it's resulted in Carina not seeing much of the older girl's character. It just makes it harder for her to trust Amber.

     Wes likes to say her trust issues come from the fact that her mother is in love with a serial killer and still lies to her about it, and she can't find it in herself to say he's wrong.

     Her mother, Heather Roth, is the head librarian at Woodsboro Library. But that's not what the town knows her for. Heather Roth was one of those around during the first Ghostface massacre in 1996. She was close friends with Sidney Prescott, Billy Loomis, Tatum Riley, Randy Meeks, and Stu Macher. Still, Woodsboro loves to focus on one fact that will forever be tied to her mother. Heather Roth was in love with Stu Macher.

     Or more specifically the fact, that even after being one of the first potential victims of Billy Loomis and Stu Macher, she never got over him. Her mother only barely made it out of the Macher house that one fateful night, and yet she still pines for a man with more blood on his hands than in Carina's whole body.

     She'd love to tell the town they're wrong, and her mother is nothing like that naive teenager she used to be, but she'd only be lying. While on the outside Ms. Roth was a wonderful and put-together woman, Carina saw who she was when Stu Macher was mentioned. He was forced to do it by Billy, she'd insist. My Stu wasn't like that, she'd scream. Carina still shivers every time her mother says 'my Stu' even though she'd been doing it for years.

     It was weird having Heather Roth as a mother. She loved Carina deeply, and always made sure she had everything she could ever wish for. No matter what, she'd never not love her mother, but she struggles every day to understand the way she thinks. Wants nothing more than for her mother to finally get over Stu Macher so her two-person family stops being shunned when they go to the grocery store.

Moonlight,     Chad Meeks-Martin. ✓Where stories live. Discover now