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Here's your first present, Sabrina!:D Enjoy.:D


He's only opened the door a crack when he pauses at the sound of Jorja's voice, a plastic bag of convenience store goodies hanging from his grasp.

"Ah, Gundam!" he hears his girlfriend exclaim, Keeho's eyebrows raising up in curiosity, wondering to himself how the topic of Soul's favorite media franchise came up. "I knew I saw that robot thing somewhere. Renée's boyfriend loves Gundam. If he's not making me and Renée watch Jujutsu Kaisen or some other anime, he's making us watch Gundam."

Keeho hears Soul follow up Jorja's commentary with not a briefly worded reply but surprisingly and amusingly with an animated spiel on how into Gundam he is and how it was his father who got him into the widely popular franchise, every word being spoken in a tone of voice and at a volume level not familiar to Keeho's ears. Keeho smiles from outside the door, delighted to have come back right on time for the arrival of a new side of Soul, for the welcome departure of the maturity and quietness he's only ever associated with the younger boy.

"Ah! Sorry, I'm rambling," the man hears Soul say, voice back to its usual soft pitch, the boy sounding endearingly embarrassed.

Jorja's giggle makes the wide smile on his face deepen, the sound of her sweet voice making his stomach flip. "No, it's okay."

He finally opens the door in full. "I'm back."

"Hyung, Jorja knows about Gundam," is how his younger housemate chooses to greet him, his voice having reverted back to that same childlike voice he'd used while professing to Jorja about how much he loves Gundam.

Keeho smiles in amusement as he moves toward the kitchen. Soul really is a kid, after all. "Yeah?"

"Were you really not gonna tell me?"

Keeho glances up into the face of an annoyed Soul, too endeared by his pouting lips to take his annoyance seriously. Grinning, the man says as he unloads the bag, "Will this—" He holds up a bag of Konpeitō. Soul gasps. "—make our little Gundam nerd forgive me?"

Soul snatches the bag of candy out of his hand, beaming down at it as if he's been given a crown jewel. Holding the Japanese treat close to his chest, Soul says, "You're on probation."

Keeho laughs, ruffling the teenager's hair.

When he comes back from checking up on Soul, Jorja's already in bed, the beauty smiling at him as he approaches their bed. Pecking her lips, he pulls her down toward the mattress, resting his head atop her chest. "Thanks for letting the little one talk your ear off about Gundam."

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