A Void Of Worlds

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 A sunset can be many things.
For some, it's an indicator night approaches and it would be time to cuddle up into their warm beds with their happy dreams.
For others, it can be romantic as they look across the Seadrift waves to the horizon beyond home.
A sunset can be the beginning, or for me, the end.
Don't get me wrong, I didn't die, I was very much alive. My heart strummed against my chest like a caged bird begging to be set free. But when I saw the last sunset, it never registered I would never see it again.
For after that day, an eternal night fell upon the land.
For mere moments, my life had flashed across my eyes when something large was pummeling its way to earth, and then there was nothing.
Silence welcomed me. Not even a star in the sky to light my way. For a short while, I might as well had been dead.
To be blind and deaf in an unknown place, for everything you know to be ripped from your hands in a flash, a mere moment of passing time, was that not what death was?
I could remember my home clearly, and the smiling faces of my parents. Would they no longer meet me as I hurried home from another boring day at school? Would I no longer taste my mother's wonderful dinners, or hear my younger siblings bicker about a new game?
If I could go back in time, I wish I could have at least said goodbye, but that would never be possible now. The last things I said to them was in anger, and now?
My stomach rumbled, urging me to look for food. That was the only indicator I was still alive.
But food? Food where?
All around me were only miles and miles of nothingness. Not even a ground was seen to support my walking. Yet I could feel a decline in my path, as though I were walking on a slope.
I could smell fresh air, and yet there was nothing.
I was so sure I was not blind, I knew I could see just fine, but there was something lacking.
My feelings were confirmed as something odd floated down to the world below. It was as though I were finding a diamond in an eternity of dirt.
A small, gentle twinkle of white that beckoned me close. Without thinking, I broke into a run, the small flake in my sight.
Once I reached it, the flake touched the ground, vanishing into the darkness.
And then there was another not far off, falling as though time were no object. It was as though the snowflake was dancing before it too, touched the dark ground and disappeared.
One after another, Snowflakes were lighting up the dark world with speckles of beautiful white.
I tried to reach for them, but the flakes fell through my body like I didn't exist.
At that moment, a sharp terror split across my body.
That... Couldn't have been right.
I only missed, didn't I?
Reaching my hand out again, I carefully angled myself to touch the flakes but I could see with my own eyes the flakes fluttering through the palm of my hand without stopping.
"No..." The words slipped through my lips before I could stop them. "No, no, no, no, no this can't be happening," I rose my arms with an attempt to stop them in their place but it had no effect.
My walk broke into a run, with clawing at the world around me.
"Please, I can't be dead!"
And then it happened, as something invisible in my path sent me crashing to the empty ground.
All at once I could feel the wind knocked out of me and released a pained, but silent groan. Probably like I became a dying hyena or something similar.
I felt something sticking to my face and wiped it off to find brown dirt sticking to my hand. I barely had a moment to see it before it fell through me, just like the snow did, and returned to the earth below.
I couldn't understand, why did I not see a thing around me?
It almost felt like a nightmare I couldn't pull myself out of.
I looked behind me to see what I could have tripped on but like everything else, there was nothing.
Fear swept through my body and I started to pull myself up, wiping nonexistent dirt off my body. It already fell off on its own of course, why would it be anything different?
A heavy exhale left my lips as I readjusted my shirt, the smirking ball of fire design looking back to me.
"Great, my own clothes are taunting me now."
With a shake of my head, I released my shirt and looked around me. Snow still fluttered, but something else caught my attention.
Not a scent, nor any other color, but a sound.
A sound so familiar, I could feel my body becoming energized just listening to it.
I pushed onward, dragging my feet along the ground for the off chance I could fall again.
The sound was becoming louder, more clear. The music lulled my senses, calming the fears that nearly put me to tears.
I couldn't help a smile spreading across my face.
Wherever it was coming from, a person had to be playing it, right?
They... They had to be.
A small shape in the distanced caused me to squint, trying to make out what it was. Though it was too far to make out from here.
Picking up my pace, I continued until I could see what it was.
A flash of red, and then of black, and before I knew it, I was standing before a table. It was... Playing itself?
A long turntable, flashing and playing music with nobody-
No, that wasn't right.
Though dim. the agile outlining of fingers spread across the turntable. I almost hadn't noticed until I was looking closely. It was as though the world itself was tuning me out of existence.
"Is someone there?" I tried but received no answer.
My fingers glided across the table, seemingly the first thing that didn't fall through my body.
Without thinking, I outstretched my arm and gently touched the hand, which caused it to stop playing in an instant.
"Please don't leave me alone," Tears stung my eyes, "I'm scared, I don't know what happened. I don't even know if I'm dead." I closed my eyes as the tears began to roll down my face. I didn't remember ever having cried so much, not even as a small child.
"Please..." I didn't expect an answer. If anything, I expected to fall right through them in a moment.
And then...
"Am I supposed to know you?"
A soft voice, melted in curiosity and confusion.
I quickly pulled my hand back and wiped my tears away. When I looked back, there was... The world.
All around me, colors upon colors, and shapes of rocks and trees and even a beautiful blue sky.
What happened? My legs felt unsteady in the shock.
My eyes finally landed on the person before me.
Swift golden locks, and eyes hidden behind dark shades.
Another boy out here?
His gaze was steady on me before he lowered it down to the turntables, and to the hand I had touched. Despite not seeing his eyes, I felt like I could read his expression perfectly.
The way his eyebrows furrowed in thought, and his lips gave a subtle frown, he suddenly looked all around him.
"Where am I? What was I..." As his voice trailed off, he bit his lip before pressing his palm against his forehead. "What the hell was I doing here?"
For a long moment, I couldn't find my words.
Could he really have been in the same situation I was? But how was that possible?
No, of course, it's possible, I just didn't want it to be. I was hoping... Hoping for some answers.
The boy turned his back to me, taking in his surroundings carefully. I couldn't help but follow suit, and take in the world around me.
Particles filtered the air, gleaming with the warm sun reflecting off them. It brought a sense of peace into the strange place, but the mystery still pounded against my head. Where was this place, and who was this boy?
"Hold up," He suddenly exhaled as though on cue. "I remember now." Even as he spoke, the blond didn't look to me once, his gaze focused towards the trees. "I was hitting the beats for those things."
"What are you-"
Upon following his direction, I could see nothing, but the way the boy's shoulders tensed... Could he see something I couldn't?
"Dude go run or something." He looked back for only a moment, but his focus was not on me. Instead, he quickly pulled something out from under the tables, revealing a long, silver sheathe.
"Is that a sword!?"
I nearly fell back but the boy didn't respond. He pulled a thin katana from the sheathe and thrust it in the air. It hit some invisible friction. As he pulled back, the sword found itself covered in green goop.
"Did I stutter?" The boy rose his voice. "Go already, I got this covered faster than the lovechild of Roadrunner and Sonic runs."
Something struck my heart. Fear for sure, how could I not be afraid? But also anger. How could I just be expected to leave this guy behind after I spent so much time in that nothingness? I refuse to be alone again!
"Hell no," I quickly shot back, "You expect me to just run away right now? What are these things? Why can't I see them?"
He whipped around, lodging his sword in another. The splatter shot across the dirt but the boy didn't seem bothered in the slightest.
He opened his mouth to speak but before I could hear his words, pain gripped my leg. I barely had time to look at the cut across my jeans and the blood I felt running down my skin before another appeared. A cry left my lips before I could stop it and without thinking, I kicked out, making contact. It felt small and light, and I could push it away easily but the creature was back to pushing against me in an instant. Or perhaps it was a new one, I couldn't exactly tell.
Without warning, I found myself covered in green goop and was looking into the strange guy's face. He drew back his sword and exhaled.
"If you're not going to run, don't make me have to save you every five seconds."
"It's my fault, isn't it?" The idea came to me quickly. It had to be it. "You were playing that music to keep them away, and I distracted you. What are they? How come I can't see them?"
"You're asking too many questions right now. Maybe I'll explain later if you survive." The boy nodded to the sheathe on the ground, his blond locks brushing across his shades. "Grab that and hold off what you can. If you won't run, smack em' up a bit."
I obeyed, running forward and sweeping it off the ground, but I still couldn't see a thing. Something sharp stabbed into my foot, causing me to nearly fall before I brought the sheathe down, causing it to make contact with the creature.
The sound of a screech cursed my ears, making my mind feel like it was being split in half. What the hell was this!?
The horrid sound wrapped around my brain, attacking me from the inside.
Unable to resist the pain, I was forced to drop the sheathe to cover my ears, but I couldn't erase the pain that was already inside my mind.
More sharp attacks stabbed at my legs and feet but I was feeling... Too dizzy to fight back or bring my body to react.
It was too late, everything was fading.
I heard gentle voices whispering not far off, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. I was alive then?
I had to be, but my body was killing me. More specifically, from the waist down. That's right, those creatures got me good, didn't they?
As I opened my eyes, the first thing I could see was luscious green leaves dancing across my vision in accordance with the gentle wind.
"That doesn't make any sense," An unfamiliar voice came into focus. "It's not possible to enter the medium without even having the game."
"Look, dude," I could make out the voice from the boy from earlier. Had he saved me? "I know just as much as you do. It's like he came out of nowhere. Popped into bullshit existence. And when he touched my hand..." There was a pause as his voice trailed off before he sighed. "I forgot even my own name for a minute."

A Void Of Worlds ((Dave Strider X Male Reader One Shot))Where stories live. Discover now