Destiny Gone Wrong

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The students of Ever After High were taking refuge in the Enchanted Forest after the dark dragons sent by the Evil Queen tried to capture her daughter Raven Queen, who ended up being released from mirror prison due to the daughter of Snow White, Apple White.

Unfortunately, she paid the price for her actions by being poisoned by an apple made by The Evil Queen herself, which sent Apple into an endless sleep and only her true love's kiss can wake her from sleep.

The students watch in worry but hears a horses neigh in the distance and turn to see Daring Charming dramatically on a white horse with a confident grin causing the students to cheer happily.

Daring hops off the horse and walks past the students with a confident smile.

Melody Piper gives him a thumbs up.

Dexter Charming, his younger brother gets noogied by him but he accepts it.

Briar and Jillian clap happily and excitedly.

Blondie gets out her MirrorPad and starts going live.

"Hello fairytale fans and subscrollers! Breaking news, Daring Charming is about to fulfill his destiny and awaken Apple White with true love's kiss as hexpected!" Blondie announces as Cedar is recording.

All over Ever After, the Royal Families are watching the Mirrorcast from their castles.

At the Charming Castle, the servants, maids, and even the entirety of the Charming Clan is watching the Mirrorcast on a flat screen Mirror TV with King Charming and Queen Charming sitting on their head thrones while Grandpa Auspicious and Grandma Alluring Charming sat next to them in their own thrones and Fairest Charming and Siegfried Charming on their own thrones. In smaller thrones are Daring, Darling, and Dexter's many cousins sitting with their families watching the broadcast.

Even back at Ever After High, the students are watching the broadcast in anticipation as well as even the Evil Queen who took over the school along with the faculty and Faybelle Thorn.

"If Daring kisses Apple, then my hard working of poisoning her will be for nothing!" Faybelle complains to the Evil Queen.

The Evil Queen glares at Faybelle.

"Your orders were to find my daughter and bring her back to me. I could care less if Apple White is poisoned or not, how could she pose a threat to me?" The Evil Queen admits with a sly smirk.

From the terrarium, the Snow White snake hisses angrily at the Evil Queen.

"Desssstiny will prevail. Daring Charming will fulfill hissss role and kissss my daughter awake-" Snow starts but is interrupted.

"Yes, because Prince Charming is supposed to save Snow White with True Love's Kiss" The Evil Queen mocks and rolls her eyes.

"Honestly, out of the Charming siblings I do have respect for Darling Charming. On the surface, she plays the innocent dainty royal princess but underneath she's not afraid to take charge even at the expense of her image. She's a great Dragon rider and a good captain and leader. The elder one is vain and only cares about himself and the second will always be in his brothers shadow. " she says with a smirk.

Milton rises from his frog form.

"Among the Charming's from King and Queen Charming, Daring Charming is suited for the role-" Milton gets interrupted.

"Because King Charming said so? Honestly, his sister feels like a better fit, but no matter. I'm still winning in the end. " she says with a laugh.

Her laughter dies down and magically conjures up a bottle of wine and a wine glass and she continues watching.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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