love from a cat boy

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"Y/n come on we are going to be late" Hina said trying to pull me out of my bed. "Hina You made me throw a Halloween party that should be enough for to day let me be, plus I don't wanna go i have nothing to wear and this is my house so get out would ya and lock my door to please and thank you sis." All I could hear was her sighing and her walking to the door."Fine be that way"

little did you know Hina was about to send mikey up to your room you had a crush on mikey for a long time and know you get to be stuck in a room with him.

<With Hina>

"Mikey come here i need you to answer a question for me" i said to mikey dragging him up stairs. "Uh ok what is it?" Mikey tilted his head. "Do you like Y/n"

Hina said it like she wasn't about to do something hmm....messed up but in a cool way?

"Whats not to like about her she's pretty,smart,and makes the right choices"

"Yes she does" is all hina said then asked "do you like her...would you wanna date her?" Mikey was frozen the only thing in his mind right now was dating you his face soon turned a light red.

"You do like her, perfect in ya go" she said pushing Mikey in your room not letting him say anything

"Hina i said i didn't wanna go-"

"Hi Y/n your room looks nice" He said walking over to your bed. "M-Mikey what are you doing in my room?" You ask as he sits on the side of your bed."hina pushed me in here,hey whats that your reading on your phone.

You were reading a book that had just magically turned into a smut chapter.

"N-Nothing its nothing" you say trying to hide your phone but he takes it. And from what you see his just starting at the screen reading it in his head.

"So why did you come as a cat mikey" you were trying to distract him and get your phone back with small talk. You reached for your phone and he looks at you and smiles.


"Do you like this? Y/n" he turned to look back at the phone."i wouldn't know you took my phone" I said looking away." Your on chapter 35, Y/n you can't lie"


"Who's your favorite character mila or Xilo" He said handing you, your phone back "Mila of course she's sweet and innocent" Mikey just looked at me for a few seconds. "No she's not look" he grabbed your phone and went to the part were Mila was the girl in the smut chapter and he says that it seems like she knows what she's doing, He's right.

You continue to read the chapter and he just looks at you. A few minutes passed and your leg were closed tightly and you were slightly biting your nails.

Mikey pulled your hand away from your mouth taking your phone and putting it on the table next to your bed. He then pushes you onto your back and he looks at you and leans towards your face."what that RJ guy did to Mila is what i wanna do with you Y/n." You layed there unable to say anything from how shocked you were by his words."i wanna fuck you till you forget your name and anyone else's" he said getting closer to your face.

Mikey kisses you and puts his hands on your hips and puts pressure on a spot and you moaned he slips his tongue in your mouth and puts one of his hand under your shirt and plays with your tits. You grab onto his arms the more he kisses you the more you squeeze his arms. Mikey was taking your clothes off and then he took off his pants. He started to finger you until you came. He licked his fingers and put his cock into your pussy and started to fuck you he started off fast and hard. Your were a moaning mess and he loved every bit of it.

"Mikey please stop it hurts" is what you were saying till he decided to kiss you and go harder when you say please. The more you moaned the more he went faster. All you could say was mikeys name. You were tired very tired."Round 3 or should we stop Darling" he asked. You were trying to catch your breath. But good thing mikey waited on an answer."Stop, tired....sleep" you huffed. He stopped, put your clothes on you and his on him. He was about to leave but you wanted him to stay so he did.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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