Short Story (#1)

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This short has nothing to do with the plot of this book! It is just a little story about the first leaders of Lune-, Solar- and HallowClan + some StarClan lore!

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Dim sunlight draped over the heavenly territory of StarClan.
The sun is peeking over the horizon as if eager to shower the lands with its warm rays. It is like a lantern in the dark, finally lit, slowly getting rid of the shadows around it as it gradually rises into the air.

I breathe in the fresh smell of a promising morning. My pelt prickles and the pleasant sensation makes me shudder. Delighted, I shift my eyes downwards, allowing my gaze to sweep over the vibrant green, rolling hills before my black paws. I can see my sister, Sun, padding through the tall grass in the distance, occasionally glancing back at me and meeting my gaze as if checking up on me. My chest warms and I feel almost flattered.
I'm lucky with a sister like Sun.
I'm glad I don't have to do this without her.

Despite being total opposites in every way, me and Sun never left each other's side. We are inseparable, even in death. We do everything together, and always have each other's backs. If I need rescuing, Sun is there. If she needs my advice, I'll be there for her.  That's just the way we work.

I perk up as I hear a voice meow behind me. I glance over to my side, eyes round and curious as my deep blue eyes land on Ghost.

.. Ghost.

I don't know much about them, despite having been around them for a very long time. 

Some might even argue we're friends, in a way. But, I prefer to call us mere acquaintances.

"Are you feeling alright?"
I turn my attention back to Ghost, listening to what they have to say. I flick my tail at their question and glance over at the horizon, staring at the sun as it gazes back at me. 

"I'm fine, thank you, Ghost," I murmur in a warm voice. It sounds harmonious, smooth; like a soft melody. Sun often claims I sound fragile, and even though her comments are usually lighthearted, in front of danger, I always try to keep her words in mind and try to make myself sound a little bit stronger. Sometimes, however, I sound even more anxious than I did before, and my sister has to take over for me before I make myself look like a weak kitten in front of a vicious fox.

"Good," the black and white cat nods curtly, their eyes on Sun. I can't quite read their expression, unsure if they are content with my answer or not. I open my mouth to speak, but after a string of unintelligible words come out, I shut it tightly and swear to never do that ever again. Usually, I'm a sociable cat, always able to say the right things, but Ghost makes me feel weird and different. Not in a bad way, of course, but their energy is unique. I never quite know what to make of my words when I'm in their vicinity, and that never happens to me. 

I am too lost in my thoughts to notice my sister sprinting my way. Before I can even take note of the golden blur in the corner of my eye I feel a heavy weight jump onto me, and I yelp as Sun's laughs fill my ear. I've already lost my balance and dropped onto my side in the fluffy green grass when she playfully bats me around the ears. A fit of giggles escapes me, but when I feel Ghost's emotionless stare burning through my skin my laughter quickly dies away. I give my sister a gentle shove with my nose and try to ignore the intense feeling of Ghost's gaze on me, and do everything in my power to turn my attention on my sister instead of them.

"Sun, how many times have I told you not to--" my sister doesn't even let me finish before cackling mischievously and prodding my side with her paw.

Her laugh fills the air, and a genuine smile forms on my face once more.

"C'mon sis, we can have a little bit of fun every once in a while, can't we? All this StarClan stuff makes me tired."

"You're a spirit, spirits don't get tired--"

"I mean mentally, stupid," Sun retorts, still grinning. "Dead cats can be burned out, too."

I roll my eyes playfully, and my sister presses her golden pelt against mine. "We went on this walk to relax! So let's focus on doing that, yeah?" She says.

I chuckle lightly and nod slowly, watching as Sun does a little twirl in the tall grass. I avoid getting my fur dirty as she plays in the fields, sending scraps of dirt flying everywhere. It reminds me of our days as kittens when we'd go on walks all the time and run around without a care in the world, meowing about how one day we'd become heroes and we'd create our clans and rule the world. Life seemed so empty of any worries back then. Now, all I can do is worry.

And maybe Sun is right. Maybe we do deserve to relax and play a little, as if we're young again.
We've done nothing but run around, stressed, for the entirety of the previous moon.

That's what you get for wanting to be a hero.
The thought enters my mind as quickly as it is forgotten. 

I watch Sun, smiling affectionately as I bury myself deep in my thoughts.

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