Tokyo coast

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Hollow was always yearned to live by the ocean, to feel the salt air kiss her face and the frothy waves caress her toes. Her parents, heartbroken at the thought of losing their beloved daughter, vowed to make her final years ones of joy and wonder, so they uprooted their lives and set out for a quaint seaside town in Japan.

If only I could describe how incredible this individual was; her brown silky hair and her ocean blue eyes. She was truly a one in a kind person. Though she was quiet, her personality was amazing.

She told me the move was only joyful, the beauty of the coast and the sound of the waves brought comfort to her heart, she felt at home. Her parents' unwavering love and support gave her the strength to face this new chapter with hope and courage.

With the start of a new school year, Hollow was eager to make friends and fit in, to live a normal life despite the shadow of illness that lingered over her. Yet, it seemed that fate had other plans for her, for try as she might, the other students at our school saw her only as the sickly girl who would soon be gone.

A boy. He was unlike any of the others, with a kind heart and gentle spirit that shone like a beacon in the darkness. He was only one that didn't seem afraid of her. To see beyond her illness and into the soul of the girl she truly was.

With each passing day, Hollow found herself falling deeper under the spell of this boy, who saw her not as a victim of her own fate, but as a person with a vibrant spirit and an indomitable will to live. He made her laugh and forget about her troubles, if only for a little while. However, they spoke barely.

And so, as the days turned to weeks and the weeks turned to months, Hollow and this boy talked occasionally. But Hollow felt as if there bond that even the cruel hands of fate could not sever.

For Hollow, the world was still a beautiful place, full of wonder and possibility, thanks to the love and kindness of one boy who saw her for who she truly was. Though she felt sad, a pain of sadness in her body was caged away. However, she recognised him, someone familier...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2023 ⏰

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