scribblejuice endd up in the backrooms!?!?!?!?! real!!!!!!

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designs because yes

oh wowie the ship dynamic

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oh wowie the ship dynamic

btw it's basically a sitcom with sprinkled seriousness about 75% of it

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btw it's basically a sitcom with sprinkled seriousness about 75% of it

Perla groaned as she threw face on her pillow, it has been THREE days. And Kelsey still hasn't replied to her, she grabbed her phone and sent Kelsey another text before sleeping, "kel kel, I SWEAR TO GOD YOU BETTER REPLY TO ME OR I'MMA FIND YOU AND SEND YOU TO THE FIERY PITS OF HELL" Perla chuckled a bit as she sent the text before dosing off.

Perla woke up, still a bit sleepy. She got up and rubbed her eyes, she then grabbed her phone, still no responses, Perla sighed, she decided to go outside to take a walk for a while to comfort herself for a bit. Perla got on a quick outfit and headed out.

As she was looking at the sky, conspiracy theories in her head thinking of what happened to Kelsey, she accidentally trips over a tiny rock on the sidewalk and falls through the floor. Perla was awoken by the loud hum-buzz noise, she got up and shook her head, she was in another room.

"Ew, what the-" Perla got up and scanned her surroundings, she was in a room with mono yellow wallpaper, old moist carpet and annoying fluorescent hum-buzzing lights. She though this was all a dream and tried pinching herself, but, she was still there. It seemed, familiar to her for some reason. She felt like it was a rumor she heard before.

The girl chuckled nervously as she came to realization, "hah- I didn't know the backrooms were ACTUALLY real-" Perla gripped onto her bag and started exploring the area. It was all the same, mono-yellow, buzzing, blah blah blah. Until, she saw something at the corner of eye, she saw a weird distorted and stretched thing with the color of black.

She then saw the thing come closer to her, she threw off her bag and started spinning it, "COME FIGHT ME FOOL!" She said as she began sprinting at the creature. But, it was no longer seen when Perla got there.

Perla turned left and right, still nothing seen "huh, what a coward." she mumbled and continued walking down the room. She was walking, and walking, and walking, and walking.. she then realized that the place was starting to slowly fade into a parking spot
The girl tried walking back but it still faded in more, until.. she was in level 1. Confused on what just happened, she went exploring.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2023 ⏰

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