regular occurnaces

15 0 14

The sun shone high in the sky, casting long shadows across the campus as the five friends walked toward their classes. Chance led the way, cracking jokes and making everyone laugh, while Alwaba skipped alongside her with her bouncy afro dancing in the wind. Youvani followed closely behind, nose buried in a book, as usual, they had a test that day, while Jane walked beside her, scrolling through TikTok and occasionally quoting her favorite sounds.

But Elizabeth was different today. She walked at the back of the group, arms crossed and a slight scowl on her face. She had been quiet all morning, barely responding to any of their attempts at conversation. Chance noticed her friend's mood and decided to make a joke to lighten the mood.

"Hey, Elizabeth, why the long face? Did you lose your sense of humor along with your keys?" she teased, poking fun at the incident from the day before.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "Ha-ha very funny Chance, where did you learn that joke? Creche?" she retorted sarcastically knowing Chance has never attended Creche. But as they walked through the halls, Alwaba suddenly stopped and began to frantically pat her pockets.

"Oh no! I forgot my keys in the bathroom again!" she exclaimed.

The group groaned in unison, knowing this was a common occurrence. They split up to search the bathrooms, teasing Alwaba along the way. "You're so forgetful, Alwaba. How do you survive? What's next you'll lose your head as well?" Elizabeth teased.

Eventually, they found the keys and made their way to class. Youvani shared a few interesting details from her book and obnoxious comments the boys in her class made, while Jane quoted more memes while telling them about her adventures in Zimbabwe, causing the group to burst into laughter. After class, they all returned to their dorm room, excited to finally relax and watch some Kdrama.

But as the night wore on, tensions began to rise. Elizabeth kept making snide comments and grew more irritable, causing the group to become more and more frustrated with her. Finally, Chance had had enough.

"Elizabeth, what is your problem? I'm at my limit I tried to be understanding but this is just too much" she said, her voice tinged with annoyance.

Elizabeth scoffed. "What? I'm just joking around. Can't you guys take a joke?"

"You're not joking, Elizabeth. You're being cruel," Jane chimed in, her voice sharp.

"In every joke, there's always an element of truth," Jokingly said Alwaba to calm down the tension as this was a known joke inside their friendship group.

The argument continued to escalate harsh words was said, with Alwaba and Youvani trying to mediate and calm everyone down. But it was no use. Eventually Elizabeth, Youvani, Chance, and Jane couldn't see eye to eye, and the fight ended with Elizabeth storming out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

The next few days were tense as the group tried to go about their daily lives without Elizabeth's presence. They made plans without her and stopped responding to her texts and calls. But they knew b they couldn't ignore her forever.

One day, they spotted Elizabeth on campus, walking towards them with a hesitant smile on her face. They all pretended not to notice her, walking past her without a word. Elizabeth tried to call out to them, but they kept walking. It was clear that the group had made up their minds about her, and there was no going back.

Eventually, Elizabeth moved out of the dorms, and the group never heard from her. They continued life for a while made more memories and laughed together, but there was always a small pang of sadness.

As for Elizabeth, she couldn't believe what was happening. She had always been the life of the group, the one who kept them together, but now they were all turning on her. It hurt her deeply to see her friends acting like this, but she couldn't help feeling angry at them as well. She had been going through a tough time lately, but she didn't know how to tell her friends about it.

Her father had passed.

Four weeks had passed since Elizabeth had moved out of the dorms, and her group of friends had heard nothing from her. It was as if she had disappeared from their lives entirely. But the truth was that Elizabeth was still very much present in their thoughts. They couldn't help but wonder what had gone wrong, why their friend had turned on them so suddenly.

One day, as they were sitting in the common area of the dorm, Jane received a text from a number she didn't recognize. It was Elizabeth. She wanted to meet up with the group and talk things through. They all agreed to meet at a coffee shop down the street.

When Elizabeth arrived, the group could see that she was still very angry and bitter about how they had treated her. But they could also see that she was hurting deeply. She looked exhausted, her eyes red, and her voice shaking as she spoke.

"I'm sorry," she said her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry for everything that happened. I know that I was mean and cruel, and I regret it. But I need you to understand why I acted the way I did."

She went on to explain that her father had passed away suddenly two weeks before she had started acting out. She had been in a state of shock and grief, unable to process her emotions. She had lashed out at her friends, not because she wanted to hurt them, but because she was in so much pain herself.

As she spoke, tears streamed down her face, and the group could see the pain etched into her features. They realized just how much their friend had been struggling and how they had abandoned her when she needed them the most.

Jane asked tentatively, "Elizabeth, I don't mean to pry, but why did you feel uncomfortable telling us that your dad had passed away? We've known each other for two years, and we care about you."

Elizabeth's eyes welled up with tears as she responded, "It's not that I don't trust you guys, it's just that I didn't want to be a burden. Losing my dad has been the hardest thing I've ever gone through, and I didn't want to bring anyone else down with me."

Her voice cracked as she continued, "And then when you guys stopped responding to my messages and calls after the fight, I felt even more alone. I thought we broke up."

Tears streamed down Elizabeth's face as she looked at her friends, hoping they could understand the pain she had been carrying alone for so long.

Youvani reached out and took Elizabeth's hand. "I'm sorry," she said softly. "I'm sorry that we didn't know what you were going through. We should have been there for you, and we weren't. I'm sorry."

The rest of the group nodded in agreement, their own eyes brimming with tears. They had been so caught up in their own problems that they had forgotten to look out for each other. They had let their friend down, and they were ashamed of themselves. (authors note: HAHA YOU LOSERSS I AM THE KINGGGGGGGGG HAHAHHAH)

As they sat there, listening to Elizabeth's story, they realized just how much they had lost in the last few weeks. They had lost a friend, a sister, someone who had always been there for them. And they had lost her because they had failed to see beyond their own problems.

The rest of the meeting was spent in quiet conversation, as the group tried to make amends with their friend. They promised to be there for her in the future, to support her through her grief, and to be better friends. But even as they made these promises, they knew that they could never fully make up for the pain they had caused her and she caused them.

As they left the coffee shop, the group hugged each other tightly, their hearts heavy with regret. They knew that things would never be the same again, that they could never go back to the way things were before. But they also knew that they had learned a valuable lesson about the importance of empathy and understanding.

As they walked back to the dorms, arm in arm, they couldn't help but feel a sense of loss. They almost lost a friend and a part of themselves. 

That night Elizabeth slept over but even as they tried to move forward, each one of them knew that the scars of their mistakes would always be with them


AutHORSGD NEITE : Because This group doesn't have drama I created comment down below about what I should add ..neh

ill be causing more havoc including man-snatching eheheh (evil laughh)

treat me nice or ill kill your charterer heheee

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 21, 2023 ⏰

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