The fall of the Monastery

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Lloyd groans softly as he wakes up, making Morro look at him, they were the only ones in the entire room. Only F was there as well, but since they couldn't talk, why not mess around a bit with their system. Morro lays his hand under their helmet and turns off their hearing before walking up to Lloyd.

Lloyd tries to struggle a little as he sees Morro coming towards him and relaxes a little as he sees his sympathetic face.

"What do you want...?" He asks softly. Morro frowns a bit by letting the mask of the 'big bad villain' down.

"The same thing as you, saving Ninjago... like I should have done a long time ago... I have a plan but you have to trust..." He sees Harumi turning the corner and puts the mask on again. "That your friends won't get you out of here and that you're all on your own."

Harumi glares at him telling to get out and leave them alone.

"Go and make yourself ready, Morro." She says and he obeys.

After a while, Pythor knocks on the door of his 'room' and he tells him to come in.

"I might need to apologize for thinking you were sssspying on usss." He said.

"It's okay, everyone makes mistakes and also counts for snakes." Morro smiled at him.

"However, the Crystal King had changed plansss after he sssaw you fight Lloyd and you can come along with usss. Mossstly sssince we need the Sssword of Sssanctuary asss well." Pythor tells him and Morro nods.

"When do we leave?" Morro asked curious.

"Right now." The snake answered and Morro nodded again and got up to leave the room with him.


The villains walked into the Monastery though Morro had turned invisible so he could reveal himself later. They got to the elevator and went down to the Samurai X cave underneath. In the Departed Realm, Morro had played the game of Five Nights at Freddy's Sister Location and it kinda felt like he was standing in the elevator of the game and laughed quietly at the thought.

As they came inside the Samurai X cave, he directly felt the pressure of guilt seeing Wu standing with Pixel, Skylor and Nya. The last time he saw them he helped them and won their trust, now that work would get undone because he was spying on the Crystal King and with that going to fight and destroy the only home he had ever known.

Before he knew the other villains had started fighting them as he still stood there watching, he didn't want to fight so he went looking for the sword so he could get out.

Wu got sent his direction and he let him phase through him to let him think he wasn't there at all. Morro looked up at Asheera since she threw him, before turning back to Wu. He sure was in conflict with himself, he didn't want to hurt, but to hold the thrust of the villains, he had to. In the end he picked Wu up with his wind powers and threw him across the place and became visible.

"M-Morro...?" Wu whispered softly, tears in his eyes seeing his old student.

"Hey, old man. Long time no seen." Morro glared as he picked Wu up again and threw him against the monitor.

"Why are you doing this...?" Wu asked as he managed to get up.

"You really think it's just Ninjago? It's everywhere, I have to if I want to hold my friends safe." He half lied and picked Wu up.

"Now you're going to tell me where the Sword of Sanctuary is, you wouldn't want your students hurt, would you?" Morro glared.

"What are you planning?" Wu asked.

"None of your goddamn business, just tell me where it is!" Morro yelled as he brought Wu closer to him.

"I don't want to hurt anyone. I'm faking, please play along...." Morro whispered into Wu's ear. He looks at him, before nodding softly.

"If you want the sword, you have to get past me!" He said playing along.

"I hoped you would say that." Morro smirked and he did a harmless flying kick, which could get blocked easily and Wu did and pushed Morro off balance.

The fight went on until Wu accidentally pushed Morro against the button to let the Sword appear and Morro took it before Wu could react.

After a while Skylor, Nya, Pixel and Wu were defeated and the villains took the golden weapons and set the spiders on two minutes as they got out. As they wanted to leave, Asheera turned to Morro.

"You ssstay here and make sssure they would sssurvive." She said.

"And if they do survive?" He asked.

"Then you kill them yourssself." Pythor said pushing Morro's chest and he nods and waits.

After a minute a small robot pulls Skylor, Pixel and Wu out of the Monastery. Morro looks, hoping it would go back for Nya, but it didn't. Wu slightly woke up and sat up looking around for Nya.

Wu called out for her and wanted to run inside but the place exploded. Morro frowns as he saw everything happen and the guilt grew inside of him.

A giant mech flew up in the sky and landed in front of Wu before opening. Nya was alive!

Morro lets out a sigh of relief as he sees her before walking into view. Of course they all glared at him.

"That you dare to show your face here! If I still had my powers!" Nya yelled.

"But you don't!" Morro said.

"Listen, I'm sorry this had to happen... I had no other choice if I wanted to hold their trust, I'm so close to finding out their entire plan. Once I do, I'll tell you everything." Morro says as he turns around and leave to slaughter a few pigs.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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