... The Aftons ...

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(Yes. I'm aware. He does have a wife. But shhh. My character is the wife here🫢 we don't talk about it. Both human and animatronic ocs are getting used. Emily and Whiken are my ladies✌️)
(Thissss isn't an official CHAPTER, it's just a gloss over what I plan to do)

The Aftons. A family full of bright people. Or... was full of bright people. Emily was a cheerful, and bright human being. Having known William Afton most of her life, she grew with him. Even with his crazy and, ecstatic ideas of dancing and moving Animatronics with their close friend Henry. All throughout their life, Emily and William never spent time apart. Ever. They forever stayed hooked by the hip, unless they had to be apart. Not to far along into school they became the schools longest lasting couple. Remaining to be high school sweethearts and later on being married. And throughout their time he and Henry worked on their first attraction together. Fredbears Family Diner. And during this time they had a child. A child named Micheal. He was a troubler. But nevertheless they still fawned over their child. When Micheal was young his sister Elizabeth was born. Striking her mother closely. And then soon after her, Evan was born. Oh Evan was a mommas boy. He stayed close to her all the time, and never left Emilys side. He clung to her tightly, and never left her side. He picked up his fathers clingyness of her. William merely laughed each time Emily brought it up, but he to teased her about it. But the one day, that one... day, Evan didn't want to go with her to the store. She left to get him a present he picked. And all hell broke loose. She left, returned with a present or two for her little clinger. Only to return to find ambulances, fire trucks, and police. Micheal being scolded heavily by his father and Elizabeth crying off to the side. She approached with such concern, William caught her from falling. He calmed, breathing before explaining that Evan had died. She let out a ear splitting scream, crumbling to the ground. Micheal then began to cry, seeing his mother in such agony and anguish brought him to tears. Emily immediately took her children into her arms, hugging them close, Micheal a little tighter. She never blamed him. No she never took any frustration out on him. It wasn't his fault... right?
Well as time went, William became more... off. He distanced himself from time to time. Emily constantly comforted him, loved him to the best of her ability. She also comforted her children just as much, though sometimes she spent more time with Micheal. Elizabeth was always close by when she was with him, but never directly in their conversation. Micheal ranted and talked and complained about how he would've changed what he did. How he wish he could go back and take back what he did. Emily did her best to comfort him through those times. To help calm her cherished child from his thoughts.
Henry's child went missing one day, and no one knew where she went or what happened. And throughout the years more children disappeared. No one knew what happened, and they grew fearful. In 1987 a new attraction opened. Emily and Micheal refused to go. She didn't want to leave her home. And she didn't want Micheal leaving.
Later that night, Emily finally pieced her husbands odd behavior lately and the children together. And confronted him. They broke out into an argument. And within his blinded rage and frustration, he killed her. Slaughtering her much like the children he killed. Once he came to his senses, he panicked. He didn't want her dead. No. No no no he wanted her alive. They all needed her. Within his panic, he shoved her into a suit. A suit of a Fox. Whiken. William cried, he didn't want her like this. But he didn't want her dying.
Would she, forgive him? Would she handle the fact she's changed? Well... we'll figure that out. But for now... the Afton family is alive and well. They are all breathing.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2023 ⏰

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