Chapter One

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Ichigo tried to wrap his head around the situation once more. He was looking for a lost soul reaper, one that the old man wanted to be found. However no one has seen him for at least a hundred years, give or take, and said soul reaper was somewhere in Karakura Town, which is where they had lost contact with him.

The shinigami was short, almost Rukia's height but taller than Toshiro. He were the former fourth seat of the twelfth division, great he's probably a creep, Ichigo shuddered at that idea. But that was back when Urahara was captain, so maybe he wouldn't be that bad, Ichigo thought, hopefully.

"This is stupid why am I being sent to look for him?" Ichigo muttered.

"Because he's very strong, or so I'm told." Rukia started. "Heard he was at captain level but refused to take anything above fourth seat."


"Yeah. Supposedly he didn't like showing off his powers and usually kept to himself." Renji said scaring the shit out of Ichigo.

"When the hell did you get here?!" Ichigo yelled glaring at Renji who was perched on his window.

"Just now. Came here to help and make sure you don't screw up." The tattooed man said coming through the window. " We're looking for Kohaku Nakamura, he's bout 134 cm, or that's how tall he was the last anyone saw him." Renji said reading off a paper. "He's very quick, intelligent, strong and very annoying and loud, also gets in other peoples' business.." Renji concluded pocketing the paper. "And that description was from Captain Suì-Fēng."

"So what does he look like?" Ichigo asked.

"No one said, they think he may have a different look now." Rukia said.

"This is going to be great." Ichigo muttered.

"I would talk to Urahara." Renji said. "I mean that was his forth seat so maybe he was close to him." Renji said.

"That is true." Rukia nodded.

"Alright." Ichigo nodded. "Let's go see what hat and clogs knows."


"Kohaku?" Urahara asked as he fanned himself. "I haven't heard that name in a while."

"So what do you know about him?" Renji asked.

"He was very quiet and calm, very blunt, didn't really talk to anyone."

"That's not what Suì-Fēng said." Urahara laughed at that. "What's so funny hat and clogs?" Ichigo asked.

"Those two never got along." Urahara said smiling. "It was quite amusing considering Kohaku was always around Yoruichi and me. I remember this one time Suì-Fēng was spying on me and she got angry at Kohaku because he used a binding spell on her." Urahara chuckled.

"So tell us more about him, since everyone is so reluctant too." Ichigo demanded.

"Like I said he was very calm and quiet, well he was quiet until he got to meet you." Urahara shrugged. "Oh he was very close with Hiyori since he was the fourth seat before I was captain. He was also very close to Kensei, I'm pretty sure they went to the academy together."

"Alright any thing else?"

"Don't underestimate him." Urahara said with slight seriousness in his voice.

"Is that it?" Ichigo asked.

"Yeah." The three went to leave. "Oh wait, one more thing." Urahara said gaining their attention. "Whatever you do, don't piss him off."


"So that didn't really give us anything." Renji snorted.

"Actually it did." Rukia said. "Ichigo looks like you're going to the visored hide out by yourself."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2016 ⏰

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