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TW: gore (a lot more than is in the actual show)
takes place during season 4 episode 14 (Bionic Action Hero pt. 2)

It was a warm, humid day with the sun smiling down from a bright, cloudless sky. Any other day, it would've been the perfect conditions for a picnic or anything else sappy.

But not today. Not when three of the four bionic siblings were trapped on a movie set rigged to explode, hearing the wails of their uncle-slash-father split their eardrums. Their middle brother knocked unconscious by an evil robot, taken to who-knows-where for his neck to be ripped open.

"Really?!" Leo shouted. "Come on, dude!"

Another sob wracked Douglas's chest before he sucked in a big gulp of air. "I can't help it," he choked, voice trembling.

"Fifteen seconds!" Bree shouted fearfully, glancing at the giant screen on the wall counting down the time until the bombs would go off.

"Wait..." Leo spun around in a circle, taking in all the blank-faced androids staring at them. "This doesn't make sense! Why would Giselle leave her priceless androids here to explode with us?!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, an android disappeared in a little black cloud of smoke. It was just gone. Vanished.

"Well, there's your answer!" Douglas growled, jumping to his feet from where he had been curled into a fetal position on the floor.

"Five seconds!" Bree called again, which didn't help anyone's patience. "Four, three, two..."

From a secure facility a few miles away, a horrified Chase watched from a screen. He was strapped to a slightly upright table of sorts, totally and utterly helpless.

The cameras showed the fiery explosion of his family in glorious HD.

"No!" he screamed, bucking against the restraints.

"Well, that's a wrap on your family," Giselle said gleefully.

Half a second later, Troy pointed at the screen. "What is that?" he asked, and Giselle inhaled sharply.

"No," she said, almost to herself. "That's impossible."

Craning his neck, Chase spotted his family on the screen, sprinting away from the wreckage of the studio.

"They escaped!" he cheered. 

"But that's impossible!" Giselle repeated. Chase smirked.

"Not really. Looks like you need my bionic intelligence more than your stupid robots do!"

Giselle stormed angrily across the room. "Looks like we'll have to beef up security and move a little faster." She glanced over her shoulder with a dark glint in her eye. "I'm going to go get something sharp to cut you open with."

Troy sighed and started to follow her. "Sounds messy. I'm gonna go get my hair net."

Left by himself in the cold room, Chase desperately looked for an escape route. He tried to free the binds with his molecular kinesis, but the lever didn't move.

He was stuck.


Adam and Bree fought their way through the facility with Leo and Douglas speeding on their way in Donald's van, Bree trying to hold onto all hope that Chase was alive and his chip was intact. If anything happened to him, it would be all her fault. She didn't know if she could take that guilt.

Eh, it's Chase, she tried to tell herself. Of course you could.

She and Adam darted down a hallway, following the blood-curdling sounds of Chase's screams, and ended up in a creepy circular room. Chase was strapped to a table, his limbs clamped down by handcuff-looking restraints.

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