Lost in Time

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That's one aspect of life Loki has always been well acquainted to. Running from Thor and his friends of Idiots three... running from the all father and his endless lectures about how he could never be as great and appreciated as his oh-so-beloved 'brother'... running from the many consequences to their actions, since no one would ever believe them if they were to tell someone of the many horrors they had faced whilst they were trapped and abused by Thanos, the mad titan himself, and his merry band of children, trying to court death.

Death was an old friend.

They met on countless occasions, sometimes in their own accord, trying to leave the world which had given them nothing but suffering, no matter how hard they tried to fit in and make a place for themselves in a realm they were never supposed to be in. Asgard, the golden realm eternal with all it's knowledge and power and legends. People spouting around their wisdom such as well known, renowned and acknowledged Seidrman, true scholars in forming the Eidr of life, bending it to their will to create something as sacred as seidr, insisting to every soul they met "For what is a land different than a family".

Black feathers surrounded them, as the wind dragged them along. They reminded them of Huginn and Muninn, Odins loyal pet ravens. While being maddening, irksome annoying snitches at times and even stalkers at others, they still were two very welcome constants in their life. Their task was often to observe Loki and report back as soon as circumstances allowed them to, to warn Odin or any appropriate governing figure before the event happened. They had been beautiful birds... Loki really did like them, as they had been quite good company when he had felt lonely. They never had been allowed to keep a pet, no matter how much they had begged and argued that Thor had about a dozen goats and a bilgesnipe, which he by the way never took care of. He just liked the fact of technically owning the beasts. Loki would have loved to have a pet... something to keep them company in their countless moments of loneliness. Huginn and Muninn... another thing they missed of their timeline... beside Thor of course, they had to grudgingly admit.

Their brother had never been the best of brothers. Oafishly on a good day, incapable, reckless, cruel, greedy, loutish and cretinously on a bad one. They still loved their not-brother, even if it was more than just hard to show affection properly. Public displays of affection were never a thing Loki appreciated, though affection they did crave badly in private, feeling too ashamed to tell anyone about it. Others always felt entitled to express their personal opinion of Loki's wants and needs whenever they did feel brave or desperate enough to voice them.

Those opinions were rather negative at times, pugnacious often enough to make them feel more than just uncomfortable in their own skin, even more than they always did all the time anyway, with their gender identity changing as often as it does. It taught them to trust no one and to always keep them and their feelings to themselves if possible. It taught them to create a wall, just like the one Odin had tasked Svadilfari to build around the borders of Asgard...

Thinking of Svadilfari, let's not think about him. Loki already had enough trauma to work through with the TVA involved alone, they needn't think about events that scarred them in the past, even if they never got over it...

Asgard was no place for a Jotunn runt like them. For they were no more than a simple war trophy, taken by the victors in a moment of gloating.

Running and surviving. That was all they were good at. If the TVA and meeting other variants of themselves taught them one thing, it was that they were a Loki. And Loki's did not die.
They were survivors, every last version of them. So that's what they did.

As it turns out, they were actually quite good at it. Or just quite fortunate. It might also be a combination of the two possibilities. Loki suspected that option two was more probable than option one, since they would rather crawl into a corner and cry after all the things he gained and lost in those past few days, weeks, years... time worked different at the TVA so how are they supposed to know how much time had passed.

Lost in Time - Lokius - Loki x MobiusWhere stories live. Discover now